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Magic United: general inquires

Автор Admin, 25 сентября 2021, 21:03:58

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Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 01 июля 2022, 17:09:22I'm so honoured to be part of this.

Hello, colleague Shaman Jeanine,

Welcome to the Menshikova School forum. We are glad to have you with us.
Incoming students may submit a request to enroll in the First Main course after which the video-materials are sent to them for self-study. The first Main course consist of the basic course (days 1-4) and the auxiliary seminars (7 in total) all of which need to be completed before continuing. The minimum recommended timeframe for mastering the material covered in the first course is 1.5 months. After the entirety of the first course syllabus has been covered, a student must sign up for an interview with one of the School's teachers to proceed to the second main course. Of note, admission to courses from other branches, namely Runes, Elements, and Tarot is granted to students only after completing first and second Main course (Etheric and Astral body).

A team of translators is currently working on the First Main course. However, the textbook to the First Main course. which describes the theoretical basis and lays out the foundation of the methodology we use at the Menshikova School, will be released in the upcoming weeks.

Let us know if you have more questions. We wish you good luck on your journey.


Цитата: English111 от 01 июля 2022, 22:18:30A team of translators is currently working on the First Main course

Thank you. I also see, on the site that a skype submission interview is required to be accepted: Is this to join the school / start the first course, or only for the advanced courses? And secondly, should we then wait until the first course is available in english before requesting to join / to enroll, or is pre-course application and submission interview needed?  I appreciate your guidance.


I've posted this question to the master as well, but would like to hear anyone here's point of view.
Please share whether you think it acceptable to feel connected to Hekate and the Norse pagan gods? Especially if the runes presented themselves to you. Must a person choose? Or are these two combination allowed?

Even though you do not follow any rituals or rules for Hekate (as I experience her as an unlabeled un-personified consciousness that doesn't belong to a specific group or pantheon) but yet feel connected and have agreed to a personal relationship.

Must one choose the Norse gods to continue the path with the runes?
Over the last few years only Odin, Hel and the Norns have presented themselves to me,  but I'm not sure I want to let go of  my connection with Hekate.

Should one break the bond with Hekate, if so...how? As no betrayal was meant or intended.
OR does the fact that Hekate is a universal goddess and the fact that all Gods are within her mean that it does not clash with choosing the Norse pagan gods as one's clan?


Thank you for your questions.

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 02 июля 2022, 14:49:09Is this to join the school / start the first course, or only for the advanced courses?

A skype interview is required to advance to any course, from any branch, except the First Main course. That one, you don't need an interview for.

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 02 июля 2022, 16:35:57should we then wait until the first course is available in english before requesting to join / to enroll, or is pre-course application and submission interview needed?

When the First Main course materials become available, you may submit a request to enroll. There is no pre-application.


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 02 июля 2022, 16:35:57but would like to hear anyone here's point of view.

Hello colleague, thank you for your question. Allow me to share my opinion. The short answer is: I don't believe there would ever be an unreconcilable conflict between Hekate and the Norse pantheon.

Different pantheons of gods are akin to different teams of computer scientists who once worked together on constructing the universe. They laid the foundation to what we now have as our reality. Each team had a different task, each team contributed something of their own to the process. And it was essential that the task of one team does not negate/clash with the task of the other - everything should be in harmony (rune Gebo teaches us adequate energy exchange).

Pagan gods don't deny each other's existence. If anything, from the myths, we know that Odin aimed to understand and comprehend everything there was to comprehend and understand in the world, since every facet of the universe was in a way a facet of him. And so is Hekate - she ties all with everything. Both are gods of magic.

Therefore, I don't believe that the phrasing "choosing between different pagan gods" is even appropriate.


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 02 июля 2022, 16:35:57as I experience her as an unlabeled un-personified consciousness that doesn't belong to a specific group or pantheon
I think you answered your question here. Since Hekate is a chtonic deity, primordial, the Great mother, she can be found manifested in all of the pantheons. So this force, this consciousness doesn't contradict the Norse gods, she is part of their fabric, as I see it.
Personally, I do have a connection with Hekate and also work with runes. All is well. In a way her presence brought me to runes. I can relate to what you are describing.

Цитата: Einar999 от 02 июля 2022, 22:07:49Pagan gods don't deny each other's existence.
Agreed. Some of them, their methods of achieving results might contradict one another, and their idols may not be compatible to reside on the same altar, but they don't prohibit man to comprehend and to interact with other gods, that sort of thing is only found in monotheism.


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 02 июля 2022, 16:35:57I've posted this question to the master as well, but would like to hear anyone here's point of view.
Please share whether you think it acceptable to feel connected to Hekate and the Norse pagan gods? Especially if the runes presented themselves to you. Must a person choose? Or are these two combination allowed?

Greetings to all colleagues!
As mentioned above, there is no conflict between different pagan gods in this day and age.
I would like to add that all pagan gods are on the same side since polytheistic pantheons could not stand the competition with monotheistic religions.
Pagan gods have lost the ability to integrate their algorithms of good and evil into the system but save the right to manifest themselves in this reality through injections.
But someday, old gods will return, and their foundations will become system foundations (again).
They will manifest themselves (again) and introduce their algorithms into the system (again).
When will this happen?
That depends on us...


Hello magic-fam
This situation I find myself in is quite sticky, any thoughts?:

For the longest time I have been a night owl, only getting tired & falling asleep between 1am & 3am. At night between 10pm and 3am I felt better in my body, lighter, clearer mind, better mood, sharper intuition and I very often received  many insights that felt like downloads. My eagerness for knowledge was heightened and I had greater ease with research & deeper understanding of the universes energies.

I woke in the mornings between 9am & 10am. Often I felt sad/depressed during the day, craved the most unhealthy foods, felt weak willed, unmotivated, uninspired and just in limbo until the next night where I felt better and more connected again.

However, over the last few months, I've made many changes in favour of my health, goals and journey of magic. Eating healthily, exercising, meditations, studies, strengthening my will over my fears, and resetting my sleeping pattern.

The sleeping pattern took a few days but now I make sure I'm in bed by 10pm, even though I'm not tired, but I'm lucky to fall asleep pretty soon after my decision to do so. I naturally awake between 6am and 7am. This has resulted in me feeling more rested, my mood during the day has improved, I feel more motivated and strong willed.

However, now I have realised that, I am missing out on the late night insights and downloads that used to happen with such ease. Even though I'm feeling better during the day, I find myself exerting more energy to do research and absorb information. My desire for  understanding and knowledge is weaker during the day and it feels heavier, like its dragging.

To test this, I've tried to study during the day and once the sun has set, to avoid messing up my sleeping pattern, and I noticed that indeed, I learn with greater ease, once night has arrived... but still no insights or downloads during early night.

Do I need to give it more time?
Have I shot myself in the foot somehow?
Do you think is possible to create a balance between these two experiences?


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 04 июля 2022, 12:27:07Do I need to give it more time?
Have I shot myself in the foot somehow?
Do you think is possible to create a balance between these two experiences?

Hello colleague,
I think it's tricky...  I always like to say that I am an night owl who was born in the world created for morning larks. Even our physiology is geared towards functioning during the day and sleeping at night... One thing I will say with a healthy degree of certainty is that magic will not require sacrifices that will be actively harming its vessel. What I mean by that is it's not necessary for you to neglect your health to receive insights - this isn't magic.

Here's my suggestion. Make a schedule. Pick one night every couple of weeks or every month that you will dedicate specifically to staying up late to receive magical insights. Perform whatever ritualistic actions help you get in the zone, write down what happens. Expect to wake up extra late the next morning and have an unhealthy meal that day - this way you won't guilt yourself for it because you've planned it. Stick to your schedule, have a journal. Best of luck in your practice.


Цитата: Einar999 от 05 июля 2022, 00:00:21Here's my suggestion. Make a schedule. Pick one night every couple of weeks or every month that you will dedicate specifically to staying up late to receive magical insights.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I appreciate it.
Interestingly after I posted this yesterday, I had the same idea present itself to me but it might not even be necessary (will tell you why momentarily). Interestingly, after writing down (typing) my thoughts, I did have the idea that perhaps, it was not as much the fact that it can only happen at night for me but, perhaps, the fact that my patterns and state was so out of balance, that my energies and attention took up most of the day just to get through the day...while at night it was is if, the collective mind and the energy activity in my environment was also quieter and more settled, allowing me the energetic space to (in the imbalanced state that I was in) receive insights and more easily absorb information.

And as mentioned in my previous post: The other thing I was concerned about, is that I haven't noticed daytime downloads and ease of learning since making changes. My thought on this was, that perhaps it is because I've allocated most of my attention and energy to implementing those changes, figuring out what they need to be, how they need to be implemented and turning those new efforts into 2nd nature, resulting in the fact that I haven't had the time or space to observe insights that were perhaps very much available to me.

However, after posting my original post, it was as if by logging my thoughts, something shifted and
reading back on my reply to you... I see...indeed...insights received.
That being said, I'm definitely keeping your suggestions in my emergency kit and remain grateful that you shared your energy, time and thoughts with me.

I welcome anyone else to do the same. I don't think I've fully figured this puzzle out but I do feel I'm getting there. Hope Everyone has an epic day!



Good day
Can anyone recommend a "most accurate" English translation of the Codex Regius / Poetic Edda and other Norse Mythology texts?
Since working more closely with Odin (and every time I ask him to connect with me in my dreamscape) I get crazy weird dreams and in my dream I end up eating cooked meat.

This is strange for me, as I've been following a plant-based diet for the last 9 years. The meat in the dream also looks very different than any animal's flesh I've ever seen. And even though it looks very different, in the dream I know it's flesh. I thought by studying the Mythologies and text more that perhaps I may find a key to understand my experience better, but there are soooo many versions, so I hoped that one of you perhaps knew of a rare gem that is not mass produced and excessively edited.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 01 июля 2022, 17:09:22
I'm so honoured to be part of this. Thank you. Please advise whether one should formally or officially enroll into the school or courses. Or, do we work through the books and video material as it's made available, and in a specific time frame, or not? I cannot begin to describe the immense pull I feel, to devote myself to this path and I don't want to miss any course. I want to start this journey from scratch, to completion, no matter how many years the master requires. Thank you for everyone's efforts to make this possible for international students, like myself.

Hello Jeanine and welcome!! It is amazing to connect through the whole internet just like that. I would advise you to write directly to the administration in order to understand the correct way because each path is very personal. Some people study directly, others prefer to take their time. Welcome again  :)
из медитации "Cила Рода",инъекция странности,разности


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 08 июля 2022, 14:00:35This is strange for me, as I've been following a plant-based diet for the last 9 years.

Very interesting!
I wonder if this is a sign for you to include animal protein? Meat has denser, earthy frequency of vibration. Another aspect of this dream could be that your consciousness requires that sort of "grounding" to better grasp what you are being taught by your guides. Maybe try eating meat for couple of weeks and see what changes?

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 08 июля 2022, 14:00:35The meat in the dream also looks very different than any animal's flesh I've ever seen. And even though it looks very different, in the dream I know it's flesh.
Could it be liver perhaps? Liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.


Цитата: Olin от 29 июля 2022, 20:17:31
Very interesting!
I wonder if this is a sign for you to include animal protein? Meat has denser, earthy frequency of vibration. Another aspect of this dream could be that your consciousness requires that sort of "grounding" to better grasp what you are being taught by your guides. Maybe try eating meat for couple of weeks and see what changes?
Could it be liver perhaps? Liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.

Nutrition intended as health depends on our dominant element. For instance, people of Earth in order to be healthy, must eat meat and can eat reasonably all foods but must do a lot of movement.Whereas, those ones of Fire, should not eat meat because it makes them heavy and they should keep their structure light
из медитации "Cила Рода",инъекция странности,разности


Цитата: Olin от 29 июля 2022, 20:17:31
Very interesting!
I wonder if this is a sign for you to include animal protein? Meat has denser, earthy frequency of vibration. Another aspect of this dream could be that your consciousness requires that sort of "grounding" to better grasp what you are being taught by your guides. Maybe try eating meat for couple of weeks and see what changes?
Could it be liver perhaps? Liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.

Just saying that if you haven't been eating meat for a significant amount of time, you should be careful about introducing it back into your diet. Research this topic online if you must, but don't go eat a whole leg of lamb in one sitting after being vegan for 15 years — you won't like what happens.


Цитата: Olin от 29 июля 2022, 20:17:31Another aspect of this dream could be that your consciousness requires that sort of "grounding" to better grasp what you are being taught by your guides. Maybe try eating meat for couple of weeks and see what changes?

Цитата: DuskDragon от 02 августа 2022, 06:55:11Just saying that if you haven't been eating meat for a significant amount of time, you should be careful about introducing it back into your diet. Research this topic online if you must, but don't go eat a whole leg of lamb in one sitting after being vegan for 15 years — you won't like what happens.

Thank you for your interactions. It is much appreciated. I don't feel called to consume meat in the physical. Not even as a "see what happens" kind of thing. And if it is that I do need to consume it for whatever reason... I'm doing plenty of that in my dreamscape... that is real enough haha. I do, however feel that there is a clue or a key about the eating of meat in the way it is presented in my dreams. Hence why I thought the mythologies could shed some light on it.

Цитата: Olin от 29 июля 2022, 20:17:31Could it be liver perhaps? Liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.

Definitely not Liver... it looks like fillet or steak but it's muscle fibre structure is completely different from that of earth animals. In one dream, the one piece had a small eye on every fibre of muscle. The main task for me now, is to shift my resistance and views about meat consumption so that I'm able to receive the information about these dreams.

Цитата: stellar.rose@aol.com от 30 июля 2022, 00:30:12Nutrition intended as health depends on our dominant element. For instance, people of Earth in order to be healthy, must eat meat and can eat reasonably all foods but must do a lot of movement.Whereas, those ones of Fire, should not eat meat because it makes them heavy and they should keep their structure light

I don't know which element I fall under yet, but I'm looking forward to understanding my elemental composition to further inform my experiences and assist with my development.

Thank you again for taking the time to reply and sharing your thoughts.
Wishing you a wonderful week further.
xxx J xxx


I have a question about water. My relationship with this element seems to be complicated.

For as long as I can remember, even as a child, I like running water, meaning turning on a shower and just listening/watching water running. I like the sound, the intensity, and vibration. Even when I'm sick, I turn on hot water and just sit in the same room.

It's clear that others don't approve of such waste of water (quite rightly).  But I am attempting to understand this phenomenon from a standpoint of elemental composition within my own consciousness. Is there too much fire in me that is constantly needing to be subdued water? I also have chronic blood pressure without a single common risk factor (normal weight, physical activity, no smoking, etc). I'm wondering if the two are somehow connected.


Цитата: DuskDragon от 10 августа 2022, 15:39:11My relationship with this element seems to be complicated.
Could be that there is not enough Water element represented in your consciousness so your mind is compensating. (I don't think it relates to Fire as you described it)



So officially my journey with Ksenia and the school started beginning of May 2022, Watched all the videos and content available in English and been overenthusiastically translating some Russian content too, as the call is just too strong to ignore. This has led to a rather exciting new venture of officially studying Russian as well. 

Since committing to the journey in May, my life already started to turn up side down, and quite honestly, at times feels like I'm either schizophrenic, dead/unreal or haunted/targeted or in some way all three...yet also strangely supported. There's a knowing that keeps me going.

Recently I got the (English) book:
Reading through the descriptions of the dimensions, I thought that I'd be able to identify which dimension I am in, quite easily... HET...For the life of me, I can't.
Dimension 1: 55% no match 45% match
Dimension 2: 65% no match 35% match (I can identify my dad in this dimension)
Dimension 3: 80% no match 20% match (I can identify my mom in this dimension)
Dimension 4: 65% no match 35% match
Dimension 5: 80% no match 20% match
Dimension 6: I don't even know! I've never belonged anywhere. I can never stay in one state of being for long. Over the years I've had many different types of occupations and all eventually felt like it was suffocating my soul. It was only when I started doing full time energy healing when I felt more comfortable in my skin... but it sill felt / feels like something was/is missing. My Interests are very broad and my focus on one specific thing pendulums.

I thought, if I can find the dimension I (at least) match most then I'll understand myself better and be better informed of, FROM where to fight my fight. However, I'm kind of driving myself nuts trying to figure out where I am.

Is it possible to be in all dimensions at the same time? Or am I getting this all wrong?
And if it is, How do I "level up" to dimension that I'm already in?

That being said:
Over the years, I would periodically get this intense feeling that something has become aware of me and I feel very blocked / controlled / herded. Every time I put focus and energy into something that will change the course of my life...This feeling that something is watching me and blocking me happens. Then randomly my life will just suddenly be different. Like an alternate timeline...and I always question how the hell it happened.

And, of course, now, that very same feeling has never been stronger than it is now. As a gesture of non-conformity and will, I have taken a geis for 3 months... (terrified me, but once I took it the fear went away...also don't know if I can geis myself) That too has intensified the feeling of being watched and oppressed/targeted.

Things I'm experiencing since committing (challenging and pleasant):
* Energy healing practice - suddenly dead
* Finances - suddenly dead
* No secure housing - lease cancelled
* Feeling incredibly scattered, foggy minded
* Not requiring to eat as often
* increased physical activity, healthier eating and weight loss.
* feeling less tired but more stuck
* Increased enjoyment of music and dance (also noticed it happens when I want to study the school's material or study Russian).
* An experience of time suddenly being very fast, I can hardly get through the things pertaining to this journey in a day. 
* An intense feeling that I'm running out of time - that's the only thing that is making me feel panicked. I'm not sure if it's time, as in my life is ending?
* More runes presenting themselves
* Closer to Odin and more Norse gods stepping into my awareness.
* Increased confusion and increase in suspicion of the "not my thought / voice" that gives prompts / guidance. Which I used to trust.
* Feeling better, more hopeful, with bursts of understanding when I'm in the shower
* Feeling more drawn to make fire, and sit with fire.
* an increase of obsessive desire to Know and understand as much as possible about absolutely everything. But as mentioned above... Time slips away so fast. I'm getting up earlier and earlier but alas and the foggy mindedness is a battle.
* Increase in feeling isolated but, but not lonely.

Attention exercises:
Now that's been interesting!
Right side very responsive
left hand took 2 days longer than right hand
Left foot took 2 days longer than right foot.
Now I cant switch my feet OFF. Rather intense.
Ankles took 1 day after feet.
Calves, knees, back and face, eyeballs are very responsive and activate without direct attention.
Still working on the rest. No full body activation YET.

Oh! sorry for making it awkward... but is anyone else getting irritatingly and consistently  aroused while doing the attention exercises?  What is that about? Is there something up with my root chakra?
Can I switch it off or is it a good thing? Something I can use?

Ok that's it for now.
Have fun kids.

xxx J xxx


Hello Jeanine! Can I just say that your dedication to the craft is...impressive! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Its interesting to observe differences and similarities of people. I wish that more students would share (come on guys!!)
Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 21 августа 2022, 19:46:47also don't know if I can geis myself
Yes, absolutely.
Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 21 августа 2022, 19:46:47is anyone else getting irritatingly and consistently  aroused while doing the attention exercises?
Its the elements activating, I think.
For me personally, the filling of the body with attention and vital rhythm causes my temperature to rise, especially feet get super hot, which is kind of funny because otherwise I'm the person who is always cold...
How about the rest of you people here?


Hello colleague,

Big thank you for such a comprehensive reflection. I am sure other colleagues will find it incredibly useful. We encourage exchange of experience. Some of the questions you posed demand answers:

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 21 августа 2022, 19:46:47Is it possible to be in all dimensions at the same time? Or am I getting this all wrong?

Nothing wrong at all, quite the opposite. As we know, a dimension is not a specific place. It is a process. It very well may be that at different times you are feeling yourself to be involved in different processes that are related to different dimensions. The key, however, is to find the process which you are involved in most of the time. It would be that dimension, that egregore that forms/creates the events of your life. Answering your question directly whether it's possible to exist in all dimensions at once — the answer is yes, but only for a magical consciousness. Which is what we are all here to achieve.

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 21 августа 2022, 19:46:47And if it is, How do I "level up" to dimension that I'm already in?
You can't level up to a dimension you're already in - provided you're established in it firmly and stably and not get thrown there from time to time without understand what's happening. In general, re: 'levelling up' from one dimension to the next: there is a time for everything. Every dimension offers a unique set of experiences, and for a consciousness to develop harmoniously and correctly, it must go through all of them, step by step, sequentially. If there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and a desire for more - then the answer is define your starting position (what dimension you're in now) and start working on yourself, start working with you consciousness. Here, it is crucial to pin down your motivation — why you want to change and why you want to develop your consciousness.

Цитата: Dolores от 23 августа 2022, 06:59:09also don't know if I can geis myself

Цитата: Dolores от 23 августа 2022, 06:59:09Oh! sorry for making it awkward... but is anyone else getting irritatingly and consistently  aroused while doing the attention exercises?  What is that about? Is there something up with my root chakra?
Can I switch it off or is it a good thing? Something I can use?

This is completely within the realm of normal. As you're starting to feed off of the earth's current, there is an influx of energy into your Etheric body, probably more than your consciousness is normally used to. This spillover energy manifests as sexual arousal. With more time and practice, your body and consciousness will recalibrate to the new normal and the automatic arousal will subside. Effects like not wanting to eat as much and getting full faster have the same mechanism behind them. A great sign, in fact, shows that you're doing everything right.


Цитата: Dolores от 23 августа 2022, 06:59:09For me personally, the filling of the body with attention and vital rhythm causes my temperature to rise, especially feet get super hot, which is kind of funny because otherwise I'm the person who is always cold...

Right?! The heat and tingles... I like how, after some practice, a mere thought of the body part just starts the activation progress. Fun side note: it's winter in South Africa right now... I've used the attention exercise to try warm myself in bed at night...had some success... followed by an increase of dreams.

Цитата: English111 от 23 августа 2022, 08:41:09Nothing wrong at all, quite the opposite. As we know, a dimension is not a specific place. It is a process. It very well may be that at different times you are feeling yourself to be involved in different processes that are related to different dimensions. The key, however, is to find the process which you are involved in most of the time. It would be that dimension, that egregore that forms/creates the events of your life. Answering your question directly whether it's possible to exist in all dimensions at once — the answer is yes, but only for a magical consciousness. Which is what we are all here to achieve.

Thank you so much for this! I understand what is meant by dimensions - regarding processes and your clarification and reminder is gold...I also went back to the book to deepen my understanding of how the dimensions match the different subtle bodies...and by looking back to my % matched or not matched of each dimension, would it also be correct to see it as some kind of indication of the state of each level of my consciousness / subtle bodies?

Цитата: English111 от 23 августа 2022, 08:41:09provided you're established in it firmly and stably and not get thrown there from time to time without understand what's happening

I Think this is exactly how my life has been all these years. Makes sense.

Цитата: English111 от 23 августа 2022, 08:41:09If there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and a desire for more - then the answer is define your starting position (what dimension you're in now) and start working on yourself, start working with you consciousness. Here, it is crucial to pin down your motivation — why you want to change and why you want to develop your consciousness.

I think by looking at my % list above... Right now I'm moving in dimension 1, as it has the least amount of difference between match and no match... . Also, when in doubt, start at the beginning...Tick all the boxes. I know it's good thing but it also irks me...as my feeling of urgency increases daily! But I also thought that the feeling of urgency might be an induced experience to distract me from staying focused and keep a steady course.

Цитата: English111 от 23 августа 2022, 08:41:09This is completely within the realm of normal. As you're starting to feed off of the earth's current, there is an influx of energy into your Etheric body, probably more than your consciousness is normally used to. This spillover energy manifests as sexual arousal. With more time and practice, your body and consciousness will recalibrate to the new normal and the automatic arousal will subside. Effects like not wanting to eat as much and getting full faster have the same mechanism behind them. A great sign, in fact, shows that you're doing everything right.

This helps a lot. Thank you very very much. Really. Isn't it great when things make sense, no matter what you're going through... it somehow empowers you to keep going? Bring it!

On my walk today, Tried to keep attention in my feet, and work it up as far as I could... Don't know if it's a good idea or advised, but... it felt so great. It felt like my feet was wrapped in massive warm melting marshmallows. I got so excited I forgot to focus on the rest of my body. I could marshmallow up to my knees while walking and it felt like I could walk for another hour without strain.

Any tips on halting aggression when it pops up as an egregorial interference, before succumbing to it or before causing damage to progress? It's a sneaky jack in the box bugger.

Thanks for the replies.
xxx J xxx


JUST SHARING ... again ;D
I am a very impatient person at times. Especially when something has grabbed my interest or sparked something that feels like a soul prompt... I want to know it all, understand it all, have access to it all, master it all and all at once.

Like mentioned in another post, before recently receiving the English 1st book, I've worked through all the english videos on youtube and quite a few Russian ones (translated) because patience was not welcome at my house AND because, for the first time IN MY LIFE, the calling to pursue something has never been this strong. Scared of it slipping away, I grabbed onto as much as I could (while waiting for the first book).

Having no understanding of what it truly took to be in the right state (energetically) to apply / integrate new life changing information into ones consciousness SAFELY...Even the limited "out of context" information I desperately gobbled up already impacted my consciousness in unexpected ways. Now I don't mind UNSAFE and abrupt, in fact, I prefer it, but if that were to in any way prolong or interfere with my transformation and liberation...then Slow and safe it is. Thank you very much.

Which brings me to this... after reading and re-reading the Master's first book:
I must declare and leave this post here for my future self and as a reminder to anyone that may come to the same conclusions at some point - We students, including myself, don't always know better, even if we'd like to think so and even if we have enough reference of such experiences - The careless action to jump on any and all information regarding this journey might not always be the best approach to answer our soul's legitimate prompt / request, as it may result in interference and limitations enforced by your consciousness and egregores, only to end up showing you how hard and "punishing" it is to walk this path, in hopes of proving that it is not safe or not worth it and therefore convincing you to step down.

I'm not saying this is the truth for everyone,
but I certainly thought that I was this bad ass mage, aware of the external forces and my own subconscious reactions, and therefor in control and untouchable... And... that I would ace this work in no time. What an extraordinarily mind blowing rude awakening, multi-levelled faceplant awaited me. Admittedly embarrassed, even ashamed to say...shocked,  that I'm not some magical unicorn that farts rainbows with special abilities to safe humanity and the earth (smacks forehead). However, I'm delighted to suddenly and painfully know how much space I now have to grow and how little I know.

There is a very important reason why our beloved master Ksenia has constructed these courses in the way that she has. I might not have understood the severity and importance of it before, but I sure as my soul, do now. Let us never neglect to respect master Ksenia and her guidance and her warnings, as she has devoted her life time and life force to assisting all of us (past, present and future) to become A SOUL IN CONTROL. For this, Master Ksenia, I will eternally be grateful to you and I fully intend and will keep working to make you and my soul very proud.

Let us respect our Soul and our purpose by not only doing it, but doing it right.

:o Excuse me while I get up from the land I claimed by falling on my face, sit my a$$ back down and work on perfecting my attention exercises.

There is time to achieve everything - but there is no time to waste.

ps.  :berkana:  This Rune saved my mind today.

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 23 августа 2022, 19:23:30Есть очень важная причина, по которой наш любимый мастер Ксения построила эти курсы именно так, как она. Возможно, раньше я не понимал серьезности и важности этого, но теперь я уверен, как моя душа. Давайте никогда не будем пренебрегать уважением к мастеру Ксении, ее руководству и предупреждениям, поскольку она посвятила свое время и жизненные силы тому, чтобы помочь всем нам (в прошлом, настоящем и будущем) стать ДУШОЙ В КОНТРОЛЕ. За это, Мастер Ксения, я буду вам вечно благодарен, и я полностью намерен и буду продолжать работать над тем, чтобы вы и моя душа очень гордились вами.

Давайте уважать нашу Душу и нашу цель, не только делая это, но и делая это правильно.

 Извините, пока я встаю с земли, на которую я претендовал, упав лицом вниз, сажусь обратно и работаю над совершенствованием упражнений на внимание.

Есть время, чтобы достичь всего, но нельзя терять время понапрасну.

пс.    Эта руна сегодня спасла мой разум.

ххх ххх
It's so cool that this forum has a section for English speakers, and there's an English book and a videos.  I'm reading the thread with English posts with interest as well.  I am also very glad that I found this source of information.

Volha Sta

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 24 августа 2022, 11:49:50
This gives clarity but also opens a whole new world of questions.
My healing practice used to do well prior to me starting this journey, but suddenly, money and my business dried up very quickly, strangely so. Nothing I've tried is changing it. It's like the people around me has gone deaf and blind to my movement. Like in a movie scene, where you scream but no one even knows you're there.

Hang in there, colleague. Looks like egregore system is trying to break you. For example, if someone lives in radioactive environment and then moves to a beautiful healthy home, they will feel sick at first due to the change. My point is, it always gets worse before it gets better.
When I started my journey, literally everything hit the fan, simultaneously, lol. But I'm glad I did it.

Volha Sta

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 24 августа 2022, 11:49:50

To be free of ALL, you must know exactly what it is that you're free of. You must know each aspect of each level to understand precisely what it is that you're trying to be free of.
And not FREE as in rid of, but free as in, Have unrestricted rights to, Freedom to control.

Keep fighting fam... We've got work to do.

xxx J xxx

Well said, colleague. Very well said.
As Master Ksenia says, there's no one thing better then the other.


Цитата: DuskDragon от 10 августа 2022, 15:39:11
I have a question about water. My relationship with this element seems to be complicated.

For as long as I can remember, even as a child, I like running water, meaning turning on a shower and just listening/watching water running. I like the sound, the intensity, and vibration. Even when I'm sick, I turn on hot water and just sit in the same room.

It's clear that others don't approve of such waste of water (quite rightly).  But I am attempting to understand this phenomenon from a standpoint of elemental composition within my own consciousness. Is there too much fire in me that is constantly needing to be subdued water? I also have chronic blood pressure without a single common risk factor (normal weight, physical activity, no smoking, etc). I'm wondering if the two are somehow connected.

Dear colleague,

two things came to my mind.

Firstly, that it could actually be that there is too much earth and maybe not enough flowing water in the organism. From a physical point of view. Too thick blood that needs to be flowing more, could be mirrored by the water you like to observe and makes you feel better. And if you take salt and hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone like corresponding to the earth element (correct me if you don't agree about the hormones), then the high pressure could be justified.  And even the sensation you have of an excessive fire could be justified, as stress, which I perceive as fire, would cause an excess in cortisol.
And the theory wants that ailments be corrected in the circular direction of the Elements circle. Therefore it could also be that too much air is drying your earth. A lot of air makes fire burn better and there you go again with your fire sensation.

Secondly, as far as I have observed people (including myself), they tend to sit next to water when they are feeling sad or melancholic, when they are seeking for a place to relax and calm down. And, now that we know about the structure of consciousness, we can say that it is a way to cleanse your astral body. A way that even people that are very distant from magic just instinctively use and are aware of, even if only in the subconscious.

Just think of the magical practice of telling the nightmare you just had to running water, usually tap water as we don't all have a river flowing in our backyard, for it not to become true.

Volha Sta

Цитата: Yaga от 25 августа 2022, 14:31:29
Dear colleague,

two things came to my mind.

Firstly, that it could actually be that there is too much earth and maybe not enough flowing water in the organism. From a physical point of view. Too thick blood that needs to be flowing more, could be mirrored by the water you like to observe and makes you feel better. And if you take salt and hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone like corresponding to the earth element (correct me if you don't agree about the hormones), then the high pressure could be justified.  And even the sensation you have of an excessive fire could be justified, as stress, which I perceive as fire, would cause an excess in cortisol.
And the theory wants that ailments be corrected in the circular direction of the Elements circle. Therefore it could also be that too much air is drying your earth. A lot of air makes fire burn better and there you go again with your fire sensation.

While I agree with your point of you, dear colleague, could there still be an attribution to the environment? For example, if an individual has too much "fire" around him (fire personalities, work environment, even as simple as living in a busy city). Would it explain an affinity to a water element? Stress is fire. Our cortisol levels increase due to response to stress. The first thing any doctor recommends when treating high blood pressure is to decrease any stress you may have. And yes, intuitively, the other colleague, extinguishes such fire by spending his/her time near running water.


Цитата: Volha Sta от 25 августа 2022, 04:55:34Hang in there, colleague. Looks like egregore system is trying to break you. For example, if someone lives in radioactive environment and then moves to a beautiful healthy home, they will feel sick at first due to the change. My point is, it always gets worse before it gets better.
When I started my journey, literally everything hit the fan, simultaneously, lol. But I'm glad I did it.
Thanks for the support. It definitely feels like it. I too somehow feel at peace with what's happening. Thank you for sharing and replying and "fist bump" for your victories. Keep going.

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Yaga от 25 августа 2022, 14:31:29Too thick blood that needs to be flowing more, could be mirrored by the water you like to observe and makes you feel better. And if you take salt and hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone like corresponding to the earth element (correct me if you don't agree about the hormones), then the high pressure could be justified.

I think this is spot on, and I agree with your labeling aldosterone as an earth hormone and cortisol as a fire hormone.  Aldosterone pulls salt (not water!) from the kidney back into the cells, water follows the salt - increased intravascular volume = high blood pressure. This way, high blood pressure is more of an adaptation than a primary problem because more water is needed to fix hypernatremia. This is very interesting. Cortisol I would also label as a fire hormone - it raises blood sugar aka gives you energy, contributes to stress (burnout), and it is literally the highest in the morning when the sun is out. And finally, I would say that vasopressin is a water hormone. Not sure if I can think of an Air hormone...

Цитата: Volha Sta от 25 августа 2022, 16:43:10when they are seeking for a place to relax and calm down. And, now that we know about the structure of consciousness
I remember being a kid just being mesmerized by listening to flowing water even if it was a washing machine and feeling very relaxed and at peace by it.

Цитата: Yaga от 25 августа 2022, 14:31:29And the theory wants that ailments be corrected in the circular direction of the Elements circle. Therefore it could also be that too much air is drying your earth. A lot of air makes fire burn better and there you go again with your fire sensation.

This is something to investigate and see if it works. How do you correct too much Air in meditation? By increasing Water and slowing down Air?

Volha Sta

Hello everyone!
I have a question about the most recent video on the YouTube called "Etheric projection". So... How would you actually differentiate between moving around within your etheric body and within the astral plane? I was under the impression  that during your astral travels you are also able to move around your apartment as well as travel pretty much anywhere you want. How would you know for sure which one is it? Thank you for the responses!!


Цитата: Volha Sta от 27 августа 2022, 17:55:39
How would you actually differentiate between moving around within your etheric body and within the astral plane?
Hello! I see this difference in visual part like: in etheric body you can see more in calm, smoky colors in astral body you see more bright, clear and you see smth "very specific and unreal" and not usual for this ordinary situation and place (another energies, creatures, lines...). In etheric body your moves will more deep, slowly...in astral you will not see moves almost because all is very fast and moves there more simple. It's mine opinion for these differences :)


Цитата: Volha Sta от 27 августа 2022, 17:55:39
Hello everyone!
I have a question about the most recent video on the YouTube called "Etheric projection". So... How would you actually differentiate between moving around within your etheric body and within the astral plane? I was under the impression  that during your astral travels you are also able to move around your apartment as well as travel pretty much anywhere you want. How would you know for sure which one is it? Thank you for the responses!!

If I understand your question correctly then my thought would be... Both experiences are the etheric...
The degree of "connectedness" between your subtle bodies and physical body, (in the waking and non waking states) determine the two different experiences.

In one state you're awake, and all your bodies are "connected", Meaning you're on a much shorter leash (as Master Ksenia calls it) with a set of rules the etheric must play by.
In the other state, you're asleep and some of your bodies are not as "connected" giving you more freedom to explore other realms. Granting the etheric a different set of rules to play by. I'm not completely clear on the fact of the matter.

The true difference for me is...when I meditate with my attention exercises, I can feel my etheric body parts move and fidget, and even feels like it's trying to get up from the seated position, which feels like I'm being pulled off my chair. I'm also able to view other places on earth and sometimes other realms through what looks like a window, a portal maybe.

But when I go to sleep, I'm fully immersed in those places that in waking/meditation states I can only view.
I've even woken up with sore ribs and a scratch on my back from a futuristic tactical military squad I keep joining in my "dreams". I felt less crazy after Master Ksenia confirmed such possibilities in a video.  :o ;D

xxx J xxx

Volha Sta

Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 29 августа 2022, 17:42:21

I'm also able to view other places on earth and sometimes other realms through what looks like a window, a portal maybe.

But when I go to sleep, I'm fully immersed in those places that in waking/meditation states I can only view.
I've even woken up with sore ribs and a scratch on my back from a futuristic tactical military squad I keep joining in my "dreams". I felt less crazy after Master Ksenia confirmed such possibilities in a video.  :o ;D

xxx J xxx

Wow, that's an amazing ability Jeanine!
It does not sound like an astral travel but rather a some type of remote viewing (RV) with the major difference is that you are able not only "view" the objects in this reality but pretty much everywhere else. Although, physical injuries suggest that you are not just "viewing".

I have been keeping a "dream diary" for almost a year and a half now. And only recently I figured out (duhhhh, can't believe it has been in front of me all this time) that there are particular "locations" (always the same ones) in my dream that serve as portals. It is as if you open a door (or take an elevator) somewhere in the basement and it takes you in a totally unexpected "area". I have been trying to program my subconsciousness to become lucid when those situations occur. But it is easier said then done.
I would highly recommend the book by Max Frei "The Labyrinth of Echo". The author has very interesting ideas about the "reality" of dreams and where it can lead you. I truly believe you might enjoy it. :)


Hello Master Ksenia and colleagues
I have questions regarding today's video - regarding Phoebus and Dionysus people.

* Can A Dionysus become a Phoebus?

* Can a Phoebus become a Dionysus?

* Is it possible for a Phoebus to have been operating in a Dionysus system, resulting in oppression of finding and following his task, and risking never finding or achieving that task.

* Can  Dionysus too, feel the urgency and focus of achieving the ONE thing that stands out above the other 10 ideas he is also interacting with.

* Can a Phoebus seem like a Dionysus, as  he is taking on, filtering and discarding multiple ideas in pursuit of the One Idea he feels called by, but has no clarity of? And... is that even something Phoebus people would do?

And if yes or no to any of the above... why?

Thank You

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 30 августа 2022, 12:49:53
Hello Master Ksenia and colleagues
I have questions regarding today's video - regarding Phoebus and Dionysus people.

* Can A Dionysus become a Phoebus?

* Can a Phoebus become a Dionysus?

* Is it possible for a Phoebus to have been operating in a Dionysus system, resulting in oppression of finding and following his task, and risking never finding or achieving that task.

* Can  Dionysus too, feel the urgency and focus of achieving the ONE thing that stands out above the other 10 ideas he is also interacting with.

* Can a Phoebus seem like a Dionysus, as  he is taking on, filtering and discarding multiple ideas in pursuit of the One Idea he feels called by, but has no clarity of? And... is that even something Phoebus people would do?

And if yes or no to any of the above... why?

Thank You

xxx J xxx

Hello colleague, observing your comment, I have to say it is on a great level of consciousness, because you analyze the information from many different aspects and take the key ones,the nucleus of all.

No doubt, both of them must be versatile and be able to utilize the algorithms of each other in order to assist the divinity an individuum represents. Like an instrument in a tool drawer:you utilize it on the basis of the situation  :gebo:
из медитации "Cила Рода",инъекция странности,разности


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 30 августа 2022, 12:49:53
Hello Master Ksenia and colleagues
I have questions regarding today's video - regarding Phoebus and Dionysus people.

* Can A Dionysus become a Phoebus?

* Can a Phoebus become a Dionysus?

* Is it possible for a Phoebus to have been operating in a Dionysus system, resulting in oppression of finding and following his task, and risking never finding or achieving that task.

* Can  Dionysus too, feel the urgency and focus of achieving the ONE thing that stands out above the other 10 ideas he is also interacting with.

* Can a Phoebus seem like a Dionysus, as  he is taking on, filtering and discarding multiple ideas in pursuit of the One Idea he feels called by, but has no clarity of? And... is that even something Phoebus people would do?

And if yes or no to any of the above... why?

Thank You

xxx J xxx

All very good questions, there is a very extensive  (and long) video on that in Russian.

All I can say it is that I noticed that in the beginning, if you are asking yourself which channel your soul is of (light - Phoebus or dark - Dionysus), the outside observers who know you usually can pinpoint it for you spot on, whereas a person themselves usually thinks they are sort of in between... Just my observation.
It is normal not to be very clear at the beginning. I can recommend reading the myth of Apollo Phoebus and then of Dionysus Zagreus that should provide some clarity.


I've been sitting with these questions, based on a personal experience, for just over a year now... and no matter how I try to gain clarity, I end up more confused, angry, anxious, and very agitated. Resulting in  intermittently giving up the quest for this truth but it always creeps back into my attention. Perhaps just sharing it on here will open some channels of understanding for me.

* Is it possible to be a "half-breed" human? Half human half non-earth specie? The construction in this case would be Earth father, and an earth mother birthing a baby that contains nuclear genes from one mother and mitochondrial genes from another mother - similar to cloning.

* If yes, how would that influence the structure of the consciousness?

* How would that be applied to a magical consciousness or the pursuit of achieving a magical consciousness?

* Would the consciousness structure be more complex and bigger or would it be limited and distorted in some way?

* Would it be 2 kinds of structures entangled and fighting for dominance or would it be a new kind of structure?

* How would the fundamental principles structure be applied to such a consciousness?

* How would egregorial systems respond or interact with such a consciousness?

* Would there be other egregorial systems (for non-humans) that would have access to or interest in such a consciousness structure?

* How would the gods of the northern tradition view such a consciousness in the human plane?

* Would one be limited to working with Runes, even though they've given permission.

* How would ones rights be affected by being a half-breed?
Would one still have the same rights gained by earth-birth or would they be altered or limited?

* And if such a thing is possible, What are possible reasons for such an event to occur in the human and earth plane?

* and then of course, could this idea and experience be an injection of a larva or egregore to distract me from my Soul path?

When I started this journey I had to put it on the back burner because I understood that, whether or not it is true... My main goal is still to liberate my consciousness (no matter it's structure) and still to become a soul in control...Not waste anymore time, Human or not... I needed to at least start work on the human side of things. And if it turns out there is only a human side then I still win.

(Feel free to share your opinions, but I've found, sharing on this platform helps things to fall in place quicker, so here goes nothing.)
(The intense fear in my chest, as I'm typing this is very interesting... I must be on to something!)

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 08 сентября 2022, 17:11:53Perhaps just sharing it on here will open some channels of understanding for me.

Hello colleague,

These are all very interesting, but also very challenging questions. I will go out on a limb and say that the current system that's existed for the past 2000 years does not imply the existence of half-breeds. We've been separated from nature by quite rigid barriers therefore preventing the solvent areas in which the kind of mixing you are describing would be possible from existing.

On the other hand, there is a term in biology called reproductive isolation. It encompasses sets of anatomical, behavioral, geographic (and others) conditions that prevent different species from inter-crossing, thus making sure that only individuals from one specie are able to produce offspring. So, there are definitely some natural barriers in place that prevent just ANY kind of interbreeding...

Overall, I believe that in order to dive deeply you may need to do some extensive research into the literature of cross-species, their lives, their features, and so on. Do write back if you find interesting info!
Чем больше мы открываем себя миру тем меньше мы хотим


Цитата: mermaid от 27 сентября 2022, 21:57:12Overall, I believe that in order to dive deeply you may need to do some extensive research into the literature of cross-species, their lives, their features, and so on. Do write back if you find interesting info!
I truly appreciate your reply. I'm not entirely sure that what was presented to me was referring to two different species...but perhaps the same specie, just that one contributor is a physically evolved "version" from a different timeline and planet. What really makes my hamster wheel spin is, When I talk about it my chest pounds. Will definitely share what find.
Thanks again.

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 28 сентября 2022, 18:56:00
What really makes my hamster wheel spin is, When I talk about it my chest pounds.

This is a very special feeling and it's great that you've been able to connect it to physical sensation (chest pounding). Detecting changes in our viral rhythm as a metric of how close or far we are from our truth is what we learn on the first basic course, among many other things. The fact that you've already managed to feel it out is great.


In Alvissmal there are a few mentions of "the high ones" and "the holy ones" as a separate demographic or race from the Aesir. And in other translations, referring to the "high / holy ones" as the gods and the Aesir as the sons of gods.
I understand that the gods aren't human but in the context of norse mythology... Who is being referred to here? It's not the giants as the giants are mentioned separately from the high ones as well.

Are they referenced anywhere else in the Edda's.

Any thoughts?

xxx J xxx


Regarding a mage... What kind of different source of income can a mage have if not appropriate to receive an income through people? How would a mage survive in this system where all income, comes through people.

What is the right way to achieve this result?

xxx J xxx


I've been trying to source books recommended by Ksenia in her videos. Found most of them but for the rest,
I've searched the library on the site but I'm not finding them there...Unless less I'm staring into my own eyelids, then please be so kind as to direct me.

In one of the videos, she also mentioned that they might be linked on the forum, that search too didn't bring the titles up.

The titles I'm still looking for are:
- Civilization of the Madonna by Ivanov
- The most amazing sexual rituals (author unknown)

If anyone knows where to find them please give me a shout.

thank you

xxx J xxx


It could very well be that these titles have not been translated into English...so that is why you can't find them.


Цитата: Dolores от 10 октября 2022, 22:54:56It could very well be that these titles have not been translated into English...so that is why you can't find them.
I thought so too... So I did searches with the Russian titles / alphabet but still didn't find anything. Shall keep looking though... Tis part of the battle haha. There's always Ксения's Library... It is a gold mine!


Do I understand correctly that the god(s) of Abrahamic systems, including Christianity, don't exist and that it's a program of the egregore of the religion and not a God?

In one of master Ksenia's videos she mentioned that, one will be more successful if to connect one's mind directly to your God instead of the egregore...

But regarding christ... That he's power exceeds that of the church. Such people who connect then directly to God are called saints.

Seeing that these systems don't birth souls, then what God would a person / Saint of the Christian or Jewish faith connect to?
What are christ and yahweh and any other Abraham / monotheistic Gods then?
Looking at the principles circle... The minds of the Jewish and Christian religions aren't in  the outer circle with the gods... So connecting your mind to christ would be what... Connecting it to a higher egregore than the church's egregore?

And how does a person under the Christian and Jewish faith even become a Saint? Or is it just that the person accepted and integrated the algorithm of that egregore so completely that he becomes the egregore...with legs.
Like a zombie snail.


I hope master Ксения gets this.
My parents are Christian but I'm with Odin.
Recently she came to visit and saw an image of Odin on my altar... Her response was "you better not worship him"  ::)
Even though I've left the Christian faith 16 or 17 years ago - religion and politics aren't something my parents like to discuss, so she was not up to date with such changes in my life.

I then explained that I do not wish to upset her with my life choices but that I'm with Odin and that I'm a better person for it.
It has to be said, that my mom and I are very close, so her reaction was polite and supportive but she made it clear that she would not stop trying. Meaning praying for me. As she has to honour her promise she made in front of the church on my baptism.

So the question:
After someone knows that you follow a different path than they do but they are unwilling to respect and accept that... And then continues and vows to keep trying - through prayer... Could those prayers be considered curses, so to speak?

I experienced a few very strange feeling days out of the blue and decided to place Hel's seal over my mother's "own" that she may have sent me and with that said "take back your own"...

However I had no feelings of hostility toward my mother while doing so... With the hopes that what ever she got back would not harm her... However she had a night of restless sleep and nightmares and the next day very  strong flu symptoms.
Was it mere coincidence that this happened after I placed Hel's seal and sent back her own?

Also does this violate the "not insulting the mother" rule, lining me up for an energetic hiding haha?

xxx J xxx


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 12 октября 2022, 13:43:04
Do I understand correctly that the god(s) of Abrahamic systems, including Christianity, don't exist and that it's a program of the egregore of the religion and not a God?

In one of master Ksenia's videos she mentioned that, one will be more successful if to connect one's mind directly to your God instead of the egregore...

But regarding christ... That he's power exceeds that of the church. Such people who connect then directly to God are called saints.

Seeing that these systems don't birth souls, then what God would a person / Saint of the Christian or Jewish faith connect to?
What are christ and yahweh and any other Abraham / monotheistic Gods then?
Looking at the principles circle... The minds of the Jewish and Christian religions aren't in  the outer circle with the gods... So connecting your mind to christ would be what... Connecting it to a higher egregore than the church's egregore?

And how does a person under the Christian and Jewish faith even become a Saint? Or is it just that the person accepted and integrated the algorithm of that egregore so completely that he becomes the egregore...with legs.
Like a zombie snail.

Hello colleague,

There is a lot going on, you sent a very compounded question. Monotheistic religions indeed don't birth souls which you pointed out yourself. People who are currently under the aegis of the monotheistic religions are sooner to have their origins in the respective pantheons. Sumerian and Akkadian pantheon, which yahweh came from, for example.

I believe you're making a reference to the Three Circles scheme? The minds of most people, not just Jewish and Christians, who go with the flow are located inside the inner circle, bound by the proto-foundations Love, Hate, Life, and Death... in our school we have an entire department "General Theory of Magic". There is very little practical exercises there but the informational current is immense. There we dive deep into the very questions you are asking. Hopefully with time, translators will get to it too.
Чем больше мы открываем себя миру тем меньше мы хотим


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 12 октября 2022, 14:26:08

As she has to honour her promise she made in front of the church on my baptism.

A collision of two strong personalities. On the one hand she has the right to upkeep the promise she once gave. On the other hand, it would be nice if she could override this promise that she basically made for you when you little and unable to make any decisions with what you are telling her now, which is that you have no further desire to infuse your time into the Christian egregore (CE). But whatevs....

All that is to say that you have no control over your mothers actions. If you declare thrice directly to your mom that you are in no need of any benefits that her (or anyone else's) prayer can offer - then what are you gonna do, tie her up?
Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 12 октября 2022, 14:26:08

I experienced a few very strange feeling days out of the blue and decided to place Hel's seal over my mother's "own" that she may have sent me and with that said "take back your own"...

However I had no feelings of hostility toward my mother while doing so... With the hopes that what ever she got back would not harm her... However she had a night of restless sleep and nightmares and the next day very  strong flu symptoms.
Was it mere coincidence that this happened after I placed Hel's seal and sent back her own?

It is unclear to me what you mean by "your mothers own" . In any case, I think your course of action was a bit misguided.... Hel's seal is something you reserve for people you have no desire whatsoever to ever speak to again. Hel's seal means "never again". If I understand correctly you placed the seal on your mothers prayers towards you, but imo it's still a little rough. Especially if you say you are close with your mother. Imagine that you're a teenager and you have a younger sibling. Your siblings keep picking at you with a stick. Instead of telling them sternly to stop doing it, maybe throwing away the stick or simply walking away, you take the stick and poke them in the eyeball with it.
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