Magic United: general inquires

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This channel is created for foreign audiences to ask questions they may have about the Menshikova School and the content we post on our Youtube channel, social media, and the main website. This channel is moderated by English speakers, and we will aim to provide you with the information you need.


What is the difference between a witch and a pagan?

Q: What is the difference between witches and pagans and what is common between them?
A: Can a witch be pagan? --Yes, she can. Can a witch not be pagan? --Yes, she can. Can a pagan not be a witch? Yes, a pagan may not be a witch.

If you have questions regarding the content of the video, you may ask them in the chat below.


Цитата: English111 от 04 октября 2021, 23:14:54What is the difference between a witch and a pagan?

Q: What is the difference between witches and pagans and what is common between them?
A: Can a witch be pagan? --Yes, she can. Can a witch not be pagan? --Yes, she can. Can a pagan not be a witch? Yes, a pagan may not be a witch.
No, a witch cannot be a pagan.
She can only portray her.
Otherwise, it will cease to be a witch. :P )

Anna Zarasyan

Hello to all my English speaking colleagues, it's wonderful that now we have an opportunity to exchange the thoughts and ideas at the forum. Thank you to the School's admins and Ksenia Evgenievna for making this possible :D


Greetings! Thank you for the opportunity to communicate in English, even though it is not my native language. There were a lot of questions, but now I prefer to look for answers on my own. Ksenia, daughter of Eugene, gives more than enough information for the very beginners. Please accept my gratitude for the opportunity to comprehend the incomprehensible. There are no problems in learning. The problem is just self-organization and a catastrophic lack of time. All the best to all mentors and students. Only now I realized all the magic of silence, silence and observance of energy hygiene.
Kind regards


Цитата: Anna Zarasyan от 11 октября 2021, 13:27:25it's wonderful that now we have an opportunity to exchange the thoughts and ideas at the forum.
Цитата: JuliaX от 11 октября 2021, 16:37:24Thank you for the opportunity to communicate in English

Colleagues, we are glad to have you here with us contributing to the discussion, this time in English. Share your thoughts regarding any of the School's materials, if you feel compelled to do so.


The first and the second courses are the basic minimum for any consciousness. Unless this consciousness is under religious pressure. In this case it has nothing to seek even in the first course. During the second course a release of astral energy takes place and the person can direct it towards those goals that lay on the surface of their consciousness. And these goals will be achieved with greater success than before.
If the goal is to improve health, then health will improve.

As an individual transitions to the second course, we recommend and insist upon that all seminars of the first course are completed. Because the second course is also energy consuming. And if the etheric body is unprepared and not filled with a sufficient amount of energy then it will be difficult to cleanse the astral body.
If you decide to go further, the rule remains the same. All of the energy from the previous course has to be gathered and directed into the following one, otherwise it will not be enough, and this means that the effect will not be satisfactory.


Greetings from the Menshikova School!
We can't wait to share the great news with you.
Now our School has a separate YouTube channel for our English-speaking colleagues and students.
Newly translated videos in English are posted weekly.
Join the discussion!

Follow the links for the Menshikova School English channel and the Instagram page: 


Anna Zarasyan

Цитата: English111 от 11 октября 2021, 23:13:29Colleagues, we are glad to have you here with us contributing to the discussion, this time in English. Share your thoughts regarding any of the School's materials, if you feel compelled to do so.
Hi there, just wanted to share my experience on studying at the Menchikova School. I'm now studying online MB course (3rd Grade), while being enrolled in the Tarot and the Elements courses as well.

When I've started, I wasn't sure what to expect. Now I can say that the methods of transformation offered here are absolutely unique. They can deliver long lasting and sustainable results.

In the West, most people are looking for instant results. The truth is that, there is no such thing. One needs to put an immense amount of energy and dedication into personal transformation before any positive changes can manifest. I feel so fortunate having found this School which is truly dedicated to teaching the very essence of magic.


Цитата: Anna Zarasyan от 23 октября 2021, 08:33:11Hi there, just wanted to share my experience on studying at the Menchikova School. I'm now studying online MB course (3rd Grade), while being enrolled in the Tarot and the Elements courses as well

Dear Anna Zarasyan,

Thank your for sharing you thoughts and contributing to the discussion on this new branch of our forum. We encourage those colleagues who are willing to share their experiences to do so, and ask questions if there are any.


Pagan Samhain Celebration
1st of November

From this day on for half a year the Earth Element falls asleep. The power of the Earth steadily decreases together with her ability to influence what happens to her children. She can't help the weak ones or call to order the strong ones. For this reason everyone, humans and non-humans, spirits and demi-spirits, inhabitants of all worlds and dimensions are left to themselves and their own will. Nothing rules over them any longer, and only their well intended desire to live in harmony with humans and one another is what matters.

At the moment of transition, on the night of Samhain, the veil between the human world and the dark world of the dead is lifted. Our worlds get so close together that a reciprocal influence of one on the other becomes possible without restriction. On this night the dead can hold the living to account and vice versa; it is the only night in the year when one can reclaim debts from those who left for other worlds. And according to the rule of reciprocity, they can do the same. For this reason, It was customary on the eve of Samhain to remember the dead and call upon the ancestors.
This not only helped to somewhat appease the wrath of the dead but also to invoke the protection of one's kin on this universally fateful day.

Help and support were necessary since as of this night the power of the Earth stops to support  humankind. If the living haven't obtained anything in life on their own and if all of their  power and significance is based solely upon the accomplishments of their ancestor, then the Night of the Spirits will  show that.
This way the night of Samhain becomes the night of the final trial for everybody .
Dark energies will burst into the wide opened doors of Samhain and tear down all previously created illusions.
On this night each magus tries to contribute to the fusion of the worlds, to the reconciliation of all Ancient gods, and the reunification of the ancient bonds between all of Mother's children. A difficult period is coming, a time when Fire fights Fire:  one's own Fire against foreign Fire.

After Samhain the world is wholeheartedly ruled by the Element of Fire. But Fire can't swallow the Earth; Fire can't melt a hard stone. It only makes it harder, it makes it stronger. Thus, during this time everyone receives the reward they deserve.


It's really great that our foreign colleagues or begginers can join our school! It's been almost several years that I've been thinking of lost opportunity for others to enhance knowledge with the help of our master and teachers, but now it's done - school is expending the borders in order to have no limits 😁


For the English speaking audience who wants to dive into the new world of runes and discover true additional knowledge I highly recommend the source of Dr. Jackson Crawford, director of Nordic Studies at the University of Colorado.



This is my first post in the forum, and a question regarding language. I speak and  understand spoken Russian perfectly, read Russian slowly, but I cannot write using Cyrillic as I picked up Russian language as my second/third language as child but never received any lesson of Russian in school and have never had any need to write in Russian before communicating with this Magic School. So I do not know the rules of orthography, spelling of words. I can only approximate Russian words with Latin alphabet as I hear them. Or if I try to write a sentence using Cyrilic it would take me hours and have many mistakes like first grader.

I wanted to join the forum for quite a while but I have been hesitant, until opening of this English section, due to the reasons mentioned above.

My question is, according to rules of forum, are we really allowed to write in the most sections of the forum only using Russian of high quality grammar as stated in rules? Would Russian spelled with Latin letters be acceptable?  I am glad about opportunity to write in this English section and I also assume it will have less activity and less sub forums, so less answers.

Anna Zarasyan

Цитата: Rayden от 16 ноября 2021, 16:07:54My question is, according to rules of forum, are we really allowed to write in the most sections of the forum only using Russian of high quality grammar as stated in rules? Would Russian spelled with Latin letters be acceptable?  I am glad about opportunity to write in this English section and I also assume it will have less activity and less sub forums, so less answers.
Dear Jayden, I'm not sure what the answer to your question is (let's wait for the reply from admins), but I would imagine that with more foreign students joining the school, posting in English in other sections would be appreciated by many students who live abroad. I would definitely be much more active in forum discussions if this was possible. Although I'm a native speaker, I've left the country 30 years ago, and my typing in Russian is very slow. Hope you enjoy your classes as much as I do. This is an amazing place to study.


Цитата: Rayden от 16 ноября 2021, 16:07:54My question is, according to rules of forum, are we really allowed to write in the most sections of the forum only using Russian of high quality grammar as stated in rules? Would Russian spelled with Latin letters be acceptable?  I am glad about opportunity to write in this English section and I also assume it will have less activity and less sub forums, so less answers.

Dear Rayden,

Welcome to the forum of the Menshikova School. You may and are encouraged to direct all your questions in this sub-forum, regarding classes and/or administrative questions. You may also write in Russian with Latin letters in other sections if you wish. As the number of foreign students grows, there will be more differentiation in the English sub-channels as well.


Цитата: Rayden от 16 ноября 2021, 16:07:54I wanted to join the forum for quite a while but I have been hesitant, until opening of this English section, due to the reasons mentioned above.

Цитата: Anna Zarasyan от 18 ноября 2021, 08:03:20I would definitely be much more active in forum discussions if this was possible.

It is great to have a dedicated sub-section for English speakers. It personally makes me happy to see new colleagues joining the conversation or switching to a format more convenient for them. This in itself, I think, is a very big step from a magical point of view - to participate in the dialogue with like-minded individuals.

Language is a powerful tool that determines not only the clarity of communication between people, but also mentality of a person and their worldview as a whole. For bilingual colleagues, I will say from personal experience that taking the knowledge of the School and passing it through your inner interpreter into whatever second/third language you speak results in expansion of the said knowledge, uncovering of new angles, new sides, and as a consequence, new understanding that wasn't available before. I wish everyone productive research in their work.

Anna Zarasyan

Цитата: Einar999 от 20 ноября 2021, 01:09:01For bilingual colleagues, I will say from personal experience that taking the knowledge of the School and passing it through your inner interpreter into whatever second/third language you speak results in expansion of the said knowledge, uncovering of new angles, new sides, and as a consequence, new understanding that wasn't available before. I wish everyone productive research in their work.
Totally agree, dear colleague. Such a good point! I'm so excited that we can now communicate with like-minded practitioners from other English speaking countries, exchanging ideas and experiences :)

Volha Sta

Цитата: Planeta от 09 ноября 2021, 05:02:22
It's really great that our foreign colleagues or begginers can join our school! It's been almost several years that I've been thinking of lost opportunity for others to enhance knowledge with the help of our master and teachers, but now it's done - school is expending the borders in order to have no limits 😁
Absolutely agree. I'm pretty excited about YouTube channel as well. About a year ago I only wished I could share the information with other like minded people and now its done!


Hello dear Colleagues.
since school opened new course, witch is known as «отм», I have a sort of quest, to write 50 messages here on forum, to continue this course not like observant, but like a student.

I'm Russian native speaker, but, I decided to write my very first message here. Xenia gives a huge amount of information here on forum, in her books,, and in YouTube channel as well.

Very first thing I really appreciate, that is education here is possible without any actual connection with teachers and school themselves.
They call it "Dionysius Path". Thanks gods.

I studying Magic for about 7 years, and only 3 years in Xenia's school.
It's gave me so much result, I never had before.
First of all, I appreciate, that every time each drop of information, have a sort of link, which is leads you to big informational core.
In Xenia's school this core know as Yggdrasil three. All my previous researchers  was united to one structured cluster. Now I can continue my mastering with full awareness. Thanks gods.
And I setting new «Geis» for my self. I'm gonna write one message every day here in forum, until I reach needed amount of adequate and qualified messages, to proof, that I'm truly you colleague.

I will go to different subjects, and I will write a lot of Russians messages, but if any of could hint me, what else I can write here in English, please do it.
I'm ready to explain more, about how much results I have here in this school.


The Methods Of Magic Protection. Which One Is Better?

The Methods of Magic Protection. Which one is better? There are all sorts of different methods out there.
If you are used to working with your consciousness, if you possess some skills - as well as the skills that are taught in our school - then even the I am state is in itself great protection from the above-mentioned influences.

Plus, additional cleansing practices. As well as additional fortification of the will and the Mental space. If you don't engage in any practices, then naturally you will need specific protection that is granted by cults and systems. And it would be better if those systems are of a higher order, meaning, either religious or divine cults. Christianity does grant this protection but only if one complies by certain conditions. You can't just wear a cross and say, "I am protected". You must go through a cleansing rite, go through confession, as well as other rituals.


Why Are Rune Staves Not Working?

First of all, all healing staves work differently. A stave to remove pain usually works within 15 minutes. While more complicated staves such as the ones meant to heal prolonged illnesses, those would need more time, respectively.

In any case, runes do work, and it is possible that you just don't see the effect yet. But the fact that they work is certain. Some runes need several months, and some more than a year to finish their work, especially if we are talking about complicated staves or difficult ailments.
In any case,  keep your faith in runes and keep renewing them, meaning that if the inscription on your body wears off, draw it again.


Why Do Religions Forbid Magic?

Religions forbid turning to magic. Why? Good question. It probably needs a long answer, but I will try to keep it short. The fact is that in order to understand why religion prohibits magic, as well as divination, sorcery and all existing manifestations of magic, one must first understand what religion is. No matter how we choose to define it, it  would never explain this one particular effect: why are they so stubbornly against magic? But if we break down these two concepts of magic and religion, we might get closer to understanding why one hates the other.


How interesting and scary to think about such a force that has the ability to completely mitigate a system as powerful as a religion with a single "push" as described in the video. I wonder what will happen  if people start to try and get connected to magic directly instead of sourcing power from elsewhere...


Strange Human-Like Creatures In Visions

I already mentioned it at the very beginning of our meeting - we are not the only ones living here. There are many completely different races around. Different beings, members of other worlds. And they have a right to live here, in these realities, on this earth, no less than humans. Some even more. Most people fear because they are unaware of that. Because we don't live in a fairytale like reality, such as Professor Tolkien described to us. The hobbit realm, the realm of walking trees, the realm of giants and elves is not natural to us, to us it is fiction. Although those who wrote about it and passed on these legends have perceived them as perfectly natural. For them it was natural, but not for us, not any more. Which is why we perceive it as something paranormal. Paranormal equals to unknown, and unknown equals to frightening. Don't be afraid of it. They will manifest themselves only for those minds that are unafraid.


Why Am I Annoyed By Other People's Children?

Thanks to your lessons I know that the outside world is a mirror of the inside. I don't like children much: their loud behavior and fussiness. But often riding in trains I find these little brats next to me, along with their loud ipads and all kinds of romping. By the way,  I have a child myself, therefore this reaction is not understandable.
So, there are usually two kinds of people who get annoyed by children: either they are a child themselves or they are already very old, emotionally old. Your case rather fits the first category: you  yourself are still a child, meaning that you have a child psychotype. And children structure their relationship with the outer world this way: I am the center of the universe. And the filling of space goes from the center to the periphery.


The Path 'Laborer - Merchant - Warrior'. Unlocking Your Magical Potential

So, look, Hagalaz recommended that you bring your Mental body in order, sort out your books. And Nautiz clearly showed you that if you do everything correctly and if your own chaos that you let inside yourself would be correctly perceived by you, then it can move you to fix your primary issue. Meaning that your primary issue is to pass through the merchant caste, for starters. Because one is able to enter the warrior caste only after passing the merchant caste in its entirety. And that means collecting all the algorithms of the merchant class. All of them. Whereas you don't have all of them, which is why the issue of money became so abruptly pronounced.

You are unable to instantly draw a monetary resource for something that you need, yes you have a problem with that. Additionally, there is a problem with your daughter's health. Which points to the fact that there is something that has not been collected from the laborer caste - the ability of being in charge of one's own health and physical body is the minimum that should have been drawn from the laborer caste, yes that too. Which means that you have certain arrears, in your previous steps, which you need to eliminate. Not flying off into higher elevations, not to concern yourself with the discoveries of your inner self for now. 

As we have mentioned before, who needs it? You are spending all this time on your development, but what result does this world get from it? What changed for the better in this world? Maybe something changed? Maybe you gained some new rights? For now, nothing was gained aside from self-satisfaction, or self-torture. This is a process for the sake of process, but not for the sake of result.


The Wheel Of The Year (an excerpt from the Ostara mystery)

The Wheel of the year consists of 8 sacred festivities, 8 marker points that accompany us in our life and do something to our world, our consciousness, our destiny and our life. When we are not aware of it, it doesn't mean that it won't influence us. But when we are aware, then it means that we ourselves can affect these processes by right, and we can do so as a full-fledged participant. The 8 marker points are connected, of course, to the four main Natural Elements that are the masters of our environment. In our world – specifically on the territory of Europe, the territory of Eurasia as well as all of the northern hemisphere in general – we are working with four main Elements that you obviously are perfectly familiar with.  These are - Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. The four Elements are represented twice within a year. Once during the awakening of the Element and another time during the waning of the Element. This way the 8 sacred dates, 8 sacred festivities are formed, which, first of all, sway our reality thereby constantly aligning it with all other realities. Serving as a gyroscope, so to say, that does not allow the sacred principle of equilibrium to be interrupted.


Ostara (an excerpt from the Ostara mystery)

Some very long time ago on the Slavic lands this festivity on the day of the spring equinox was considered to be the true new year. Not the 1st of January, as it is now, not the 1st of September, as it was not too long ago, but precisely March 21st.  Actually, this year the astronomical spring came yesterday. But as for the swaying of the Water Element – since Water is very inert –- it will always run a little late. So, this is why we are meeting today. And due to this reason it is customary that the spring equinox is tied to March 21st, even if it might start a day earlier or a day later.  We will remember that this whole process has already started, and that it will catch up to our consciousness around this time, similarly to a wave that went away and is now coming back. And today we will be catching this wave. We will be feeling it today.
The day of the spring equinox is known in all cults and it has always been dedicated to the birth of the goddess.


The Transfer Of A Curse From Daughter To Mother

Can a stepmother take on the curse of her stepdaughter?
A gypsy woman has predicted to my mother that she will die at the age of 30, but as she turned 30 instead of her it is the grandmother who died.
Say, my mother's step-parents passed away as well. Is it possible to find out whether there's something of this curse still left on me?
- Most probably there isn't. It has been neutralized .
This happens quite often –  a woman dies instead of another, a mother dies instead of a daughter – it is called a voluntary sacrifice.


About The Spirit Of A Place

This subject about interacting with the spirit of a place, or Lar, is quite lively. We devoted many hours to this subject, and we have even written books about it together with our students and members of our forum, who have discussed the subject. The subject concerning the spirit of a place is very interesting, it is absolutely metaphysical.

So, it could  happen that establishing contact with the spirit of the place is just not working. What does it depend on? On the person, on the Lar, or maybe on the place?
Let's try to figure it out.


Dear English speaking colleagues,
You now have a unique opportunity to personally ask Ksenia Menshikova your questions about magic.
Follow the link to submit your questions:


Why Are People Unaware That They Are Led By Forces?

Why is a person, up to a certain point, unaware that she is led by forces?
First of all, no one has told her. Meaning that none of us  receive any instructions from birth. Who can hand out this sort of instruction?  Usually only the ones who are living, usually one's own parents. If parents knew that there is a certain force standing behind them, they would pass this information onto their offspring. But where are these families? This is common only in old aristocratic families. The ones that track their bloodlines all the way from antiquity and possibly trace their ancestral origins all the way from the old gods.
The rest don't do that. The ancient sorcerer family clans also preserve this memory and they are actually aristocrats as well, only of a different kind of world, not of the societal world.
The rest of the people do not receive this knowledge.
And this means that a person must live a certain kind of life, build up a certain worldview, which will allow her not only to swim with the current but also to reflect the surrounding environment.


The Danger Of Sharing Your Time

My father is well over 80 years old, and a year ago I had a dream that his life journey would soon come to an end. I got scared and said to myself "let him live at least one more year, and I would live one year less." As if giving this one year to him. A year later I dreamt something similar and again, gave him one more year of my life. The question is whether it is ok to do so regularly or am I running some risks?


The Occult Reason For Wars

Wars are not a competition for resources. Although it may be officially presented this way, as a fight for a resource. War is a competition for the right to possess a resource; a potential right. A war can be won today, but obtaining the right to a resource can come after many hundreds of years. This sort of thing has happened as well.
Wars ensue when forces start to compete for the right to extract this world's resources, specifically from a certain land. Wars don't start when someone tries to snatch a resource, say, pump some oil and leave -- you don't need a war for this, a classic commercial endeavor would suffice in this case. When wars ensue, it is for the purpose of obtaining a right.


Magic Of Chaos. Magic Of The Water Element

Overall, the magic of Chaos is quite difficult for people since we are carriers of a structurized consciousness. Chaos means complete formlessness.
In order to practice Chaos, one must learn to become formless. What is that?
It means to pass through all the stages of self-renunciation: pass through Death - lose the persona, pass through Freedom - lose the illusions, pass through Chaos - lose the form. Someone who passes through the proto-foundation Chaos, someone who immerses themselves into this kind of magic, usually has a hard time even remembering their own name. Because this is a force that erases everything, meaning, an immediate defragmentation of a hard drive.


ЦитироватьMagic Of Chaos. Magic Of The Water Element
Very interesting content. Water has been acting up for me during the last week or so... Been having constant issues with water home appliances  - something is leaking or not working or clogged. Does this mean there is too much water Element in my system or on the contrary water is trying to reach me but can't?


Цитата: Einar999 от 18 апреля 2022, 22:42:05Been having constant issues with water home appliances  - something is leaking or not working or clogged. Does this mean there is too much water Element in my system or on the contrary water is trying to reach me but can't?

Thank you for sharing. Your question has been passed to Ksenia Menshikova for the upcoming Magic Q&A session.


Цитата: Einar999 от 18 апреля 2022, 22:42:05
Very interesting content. Water has been acting up for me during the last week or so... Been having constant issues with water home appliances  - something is leaking or not working or clogged. Does this mean there is too much water Element in my system or on the contrary water is trying to reach me but can't?

Interesting, I notice water systems malfunction when I spill my emotional energy. Good thing it doesn't happen often, but when it does: water heater leak, pipe burst, pipe clogged, sink clogged, etc.


Tales of Power during Yule
January 16, 2022. 10:29PM
This. Right now. Tonight. On the crossroads of fates. When not a single living soul is around and the night knocks on your door. When the past is howling back at you with all of its non-linearity. When you know that the power is here but you don't know why it came today. When you don't even know what it is that you did to summon it but it is here anyway. When the night makes herself alive for you. You know what to do.
Чем больше мы открываем себя миру тем меньше мы хотим


A small reflection on the three mysteries of the Wheel of Year. Perhaps this will be useful/interesting to other colleagues.
Imbolc. We sought a word.

After the days of absolute fatelessness of Yule, we yearned for new air, new information. We catching the waves of new Order. Everyone had their own word. I had mine— the names of two Winds, ensouled Winds. One came to me during the meditation and her sister came to me in a dream. The name of the wind, transcribed into the language of runes and impressed on a piece of wood, painted in blood, became a powerful talisman. In another dream, some time after, I was given instruction to feed the birds and that this was how I keep my talisman charged and working. I thought to myself "that is real magic".

Ostara. We sought to understand our selfhood.

We summoned the black waters of Chaos to wash away all that is not serving us anymore, all that is not us. We searched for symbols of freedom and tradition in our lives. Ostara was hard. It revealed sharp stones of fear of inadequacy, it ripped off old scar tissue exposing all my wounds that are still bleeding underneath.

Beltane. We sought to claim our power.

In a circle of friends, in a forest, in front of a fire I demanded power and was challenged by Rhea by the fear of death. The most terrifying, essential fear. After  internally spiraling out of control for some time being sure I was about to die, stop existing, be dead, I made contact with a cold surface of a kayak that was nearby, and it made me feel better.

Upon reflection, I knew did not pass through the gates of Rhea, my claim to power, albeit rightful, was declined at this time. However the insight I gained into why I was rejected by the goddess set me on the right path. My path leads me to Air, and in the future I must be much more careful and gentle with Earth. Do not demand anything from her, make Earth want to be your bride. By choice and never by force.


Thank you colleague, DuskDragon, for sharing your experience.

In the search of true Power, the stakes are high, the reality is aggressive, and mistakes are expensive. But what can a person rely on if not their own mistakes?


Цитата: English111 от 06 мая 2022, 17:10:50
But what can a person rely on if not their own mistakes?

True. Mistakes as practical manifestation of fear, and fear as the guard of one's true power. It makes me think of Svartalheimr where the dark elves are working day and night on the new Mjölnir. Combat your fear by engulfing it and your magical artifact will be born. Let your fear control you and meet the fate of poor Kvasir... harsh but real.


Some associations for working on disassembling rigid mental constructs (RMCs) (third main course).

Love:   desire, longing, yearning, eternal love, fated, sadness, attraction, soulmate, submersion, self-sacrifice, commitment, respect, clinginess, euphoria, young, forever, suffering, powerful feeling, farewell, loneliness, rejection, disappointment, butterflies, happiness, on cloud 9, lightness, intimacy, closeness, contact, trust, unconditional, far away, embrace, holding hands, timid, secret, slowly progressing, innocence, for the first time, all-consuming, empowering, feeling needed, validating, purpose giving, peace, silence, you and I, all or nothing, summer, summer night, warmth, protection of childhood home, childhood, carefree.

Hate: rejection, repulsion, disgust, aggression, disrespect, enforcement, by force, unfair, hate speech, hatred, revenge, murder, justified, a cold dish, hot-blooded, anger, annoyed, resentment, negative, to destroy, envy, embarrassment, humiliation, diminished, weakness, insult, eats you from the inside, rape, pain, orgasmic, justice, punishment, revenge 10x the insult, powerful


Цитата: DuskDragon от 14 мая 2022, 19:39:40Some associations for working on disassembling rigid mental constructs (RMCs) (third main course).
These are quite useful. I like to write out mine, then quickly record myself say these so I don't have to keep checking the notebook during the meditation.

I am also working on the third course right now...As a disclaimer, the third course materials are only currently available in the original language, but will be translated at some point. But when they are, it will be great to have a bank of RMC associations in english for all colleagues.


Hello, I wish to study with the School. Can you tell me please if it is possible for me as someone who only speaks a few words of Russian so far? I am English, now living in Belarus.


Цитата: Patricia от 05 июня 2022, 13:31:56Hello, I wish to study with the School.

Hello colleague Patricia,

Thank you for your interest. A team of translators is working on translating the School's teaching materials into the English language. Very soon, a book by Ksenia Menshikova "Intricacies of Fate" will come out - it serves as the textbook to the first Main course. Consider joining our mailing list to receive updates about the School and feel free to submit your questions for our Magic Q&A seminar series (link to submit your question: Your question might be selected and is answered by Ksenia Menshikova herself.

A follow-up question: through what channel did you join our Forum? Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, or other? Thank you!


Hello, thank you for your response. I am delighted that it will soon be possible to study in English. I shall certainly make sure I sign up for your updates.
I originally found the School and the Forum via the English Menshikova School channel.


I'm so honoured to be part of this. Thank you. Please advise whether one should formally or officially enroll into the school or courses. Or, do we work through the books and video material as it's made available, and in a specific time frame, or not? I cannot begin to describe the immense pull I feel, to devote myself to this path and I don't want to miss any course. I want to start this journey from scratch, to completion, no matter how many years the master requires. Thank you for everyone's efforts to make this possible for international students, like myself.


Цитата: Shaman Jeanine Treatments and Readings от 01 июля 2022, 17:09:22
I'm so honoured to be part of this. Thank you. Please advise whether one should formally or officially enroll into the school or courses. Or, do we work through the books and video material as it's made available, and in a specific time frame, or not? I cannot begin to describe the immense pull I feel, to devote myself to this path and I don't want to miss any course. I want to start this journey from scratch, to completion, no matter how many years the master requires. Thank you for everyone's efforts to make this possible for international students, like myself.

Hello dear colleague!
I am happy to see the interest for my beloved school go international!
I imagine that the enrollment mechanism will be ready when the courses are ready. But you registered on the forum now, which makes you in some way a part of this already!