Magic United: general inquires

Автор Admin, 25 сентября 2021, 21:03:58

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This question might seem absurd but hear me out.
If a god-mind is a progenitor of a human is it possible for a human, having the ability to create his own personal energy-information structures in his consciousness, then technically be the progenitor of those structures?
And can those structures if, having gained enough sense of individuality and awareness, at some point incarnate into a human or other physical form?
Or can a person's "I am" fragment like the consciousness of a god and create another "I am" that is able to incarnate into a human for a specific reason or task?
What if some of the gods we're looking for as our progenitors are current living humans or a human that lived 300 years ago or however long ago?

Can the energy-information structures that we create in our consciousness, leach our rights and experience points to build their own existential mass to qualify for incarnation?

And if so, what fresh hell is that about and can and should and how can a person counteract such activities as the "God" of a larva so to speak? Know what I mean?

Also, if humans, more often than not reincarnate in the same bloodline... Could it be said that a person can possibly be one of his own ancestors himself or even multiple ancestors?
Could I be my own great grandmother from 500 years ago and also my great-grandfather from 900years ago?

If so, then should all their rights and algorithms not also naturally be mine and accessible without restriction or contact rituals? And would their existential mass not also then be my existential mass... The same one?


Цитата: JdlR от 22 февраля 2023, 17:01:57This question might seem absurd but hear me out.
Well, let me try to answer your questions :) My answers are based on knowledge i know now and i guess i can make mistakes in my answers because i am not much experienced yet. A god-mind is a proginator of a human but it's not like it takes place among humans. People have made computers and those machines expand horizons of human's possibilities. And now you don't need much time to find something, get answers and so on. So we are just computers for god-minds :) It's inexact answer but i don't know better one. And a reason (or may be the reason) why god-minds have created humans is they need expirience. And every human collects own expirience for one's god-mind creator. And it's like a god-mind lives many (or even much) lifes at the same time.
Every human is carrier of nature's elements. And it allows to be is not just like a computer. People can create own creatures. Like own egregores. Some people can do them not having special knowledge. Like famous actors, bloggers, singers and so on. But students of this School study how to create own egregores (it's just one of many things they study here) And those egregores serve to their's creators. So a human can be a proginator of some structures.
Some god-minds can be incarnated in a human's body in this world for their tasks. But as far as i know they don't live permanently here.
The energy-information structures that we create can't leach our rights and experience points. It's like a computer program. A chat (a game) bot with some possibilities, speaking modern language :) And that bot helps a human to gain needed rights and points. Such bot can't turn against one's creator. But a human can create an energy-information structure which can leach someone's energy or rights. And such structure can control consciousness of other human. And a problem is that sometimes a human can't even realize that he is a carrier of someone's energy-information's program. And the students get knowledge and practice how to recognize such structures and deactivate them.
Human reincarnation is just a lottery now because of so many people living in this world. But reincarnation in the same bloodline is possible. A mage family can reincarnate own family's persons in the same bloodline. They do such thing to make their bloodline constant and to accumulate power, rights and so on. And technically a person can be one of his own ancestors himself or even multiple ancestors :) At least that took a place at that time when people were small group in this world. 
Every bloodline has own egregore. This structure keeps the rights, knowledge, algorithms which help to survive one's persons. And every a bloodline's person has a potential right to use all those things. But also a bloodline's egregore keeps rights' defeats, obligations towards someone, curses. And all persons of a bloodline pay off the faults of their ancestors or a person who had made a fault in this time. Having knowledge and practice a person can use rights and corrects the faults more consciously and effectively.
Well, i hope my answers are useful :) 
P.S. I don't know if there are any translated videos about egregores on Youtube. They could help you find more information.


I just received a thought that I need to change my 1st name. Which would be a headache to do in South Africa.

Jeanine - it's origin is orthodox Greek and Hebrew. And means grace of Yahweh.
I haven't been part of the Christian faith for 16 or 17 years but now I'm wondering... Could my name actually be a hook?

Interestingly: when I was born my parents didn't have a name for me, they couldn't stop fighting about it, for weeks they called me "baby".
My dad wanted to call me "10" "tien" in Afrikaans (my language), my mother wanted to call me "Мишка" - she's not Russian, she just really felt drawn to it. My dad threatened to divorce her if she gave the baby a "communist" name (yeah my father was on a-whole-nother level of asshole.)

After a few weeks, my devout Christian grandmother named me Jeanine - from her favourite French song "Jeanine my queen" it never felt like my name.

I was given the thought to change my name to 9. But first I thought in norse "niu" it felt correct. Obviously my runic code changed. Then I thought, "nueve" which is Spanish for 9.
My last name is de la Rey and it is of Spanish origin. Interestingly - NUEVE doesn't change my runic code.

My original runic code is  :sovilo:  :uruz:  :hagalaz:
But  :sovilo:  never felt like victory.
And when I do rune layouts  :sovilo:  comes up so many many times as an error that led to my current incarnation or something that is not needed at all. I'm not sure how to interpret that. But it matches how my  :sovilo:  makes me feel.

I would appreciate feedback.


Цитата: JdlR от 23 февраля 2023, 11:02:15I just received a thought that I need to change my 1st name.
Do you feel you need to change your name or change your runic code ? A woman can change her runic code being married and having her husband's last name. My name is included into the list of Orthodox names but i wouldn't say it affects me. At least i don't remember such situations. The question is what of kind of things you will change taking your new name. Is there the only way to change your life ? And what kind of things would you like to change ? Does your name affect you so much and nothing more can help you ? There are many ways to give more answers and information. May be you just need fo find more information about yourself. There was the critical situation in my life when i knew i could not live my former life. I tried to find the answers everywhere i could. And i have found my way and people who have knowledge and share it. And now i am on my way and this depends on me, my efforts. May be your situation is that point which after you will change your life in needed direction. Hope my thoughts can help you :)


Цитата: Alex_ZM от 23 февраля 2023, 12:54:24There are many ways to give more answers and information.
*There are many ways to find/take more answers and information*, of course. Mistyped :) Have to read and to correct my messages attentively :)


Цитата: Alex_ZM от 23 февраля 2023, 12:54:24Do you feel you need to change your name or change your runic code ?

Thank you for your insights.
I feel it is the name that needs to change not the code. I did some more research on the word for 9 in different languages... Interestingly, all the translations for 9 that are in languages of my family lineage, when placed into the calculator, do nothing to my code. Stays the same. I don't have a desire to change my code at this point in time.


Dear Master Ksenia.
I would greatly appreciate your insights.
I got the idea that there are forgotten and "dormant" god-minds of the Scandinavian pantheon, that we do not have information of.  And that one of them is my progenitor.
Also, I was shown that I can reach my progenitor through and with the help of Odin, Hel, Hekate and Vali. I'm not sure entirely what that means yet. Will you please share your thoughts?
Thank you very much.


In the Golden bough, it mentions the beliefs about iron being used as protection for trapping or placing a barrier between us and fairies, spirits, witches and demons.

It also mentions how iron was forbidden to touch Kings and forbidden to be used as building material for temples or as tools that built the temples. Was this because it would cut the priest and king off from the channel? This was apparently true for pagan and jewish temples and altars.

And if that's the case, it indicates that the effect of iron does not pick and choose regarding which forces to repel and which forces not to repel. If the effect of iron does not discern  then why use it?
Especially if a person on the path of magical development wants to restore the connections between the human and nether-realms. How to use it for one side of the scale and avoid it affecting the other?

It is said that it and metal in general is a great material to carry information and that it adds strength to a talisman but if a talisman works with any force and you make it with iron, wouldn't it cancel it out? To what does it then add strength to?

If vikings added ash and bones of ancestors and animal totems to their low quality iron to make weapons, with the understanding that it made the weapon stronger (unknowingly creating one of the first forms of steel) and engraving runes on it... Did the iron cancel out the help of the ancestors and runes? Or did it act as a carrier and add strength to the help of the ancestors and runes?

Other sources say the shape you give iron will determine whether it brings good luck or wards off bad luck.
I also found sources that mention iron giving strength to humans and greatly improving their health. But if it apparently is also used to cut the person off from any channel? even one's God? then how does a human reach integrity?

Again, another source mentions that it is believed that iron, when put next to medicinal plants, cancel out their healing powers.

So? Does it cut or add? Or both?
How? And why?
How to direct its use?
What's the deal with iron?

Lana Welsh

Цитата: JdlR от 07 марта 2023, 13:49:03So? Does it cut or add? Or both?

Hi JdlR,
I would say both :) .
Indeed Iron as any metal is an excellent keeper and carrier of information. Whether to use it or not depends on what worlds you are going to communicate with and what kind of magic to practice.
For example, the world of fairies, elves and some other worlds do not tolerate Iron.
When practicing interaction with the lower worlds, it is appropriate to use iron. In some rituals Iron is the thing you  "must have".

 In very ancient times, some kings were the direct descendants of Gods, other races amd creatures. Also they could come from the Danu tribe, the worlds of fairies and other "Good neighbors". Therefore, metal in buildings and clothes could cut off their connection with their worlds and become fatal for the king and his spiritual power.

In the medieval time , all creatures were called demons. Contacting them was unwelcome, people became to scary of them. That's why they protected themselves from fairies with iron.

If you like Iron you can use it in any purposes: as amulets, protection, hold information etc. Just make sure if iron is suitable for that kind of spiritual practise you would like to do.

Hope this helps

Lana Welsh

Цитата: JdlR от 27 февраля 2023, 19:05:37Also, I was shown that I can reach my progenitor through and with the help of Odin, Hel, Hekate and Vali. I'm not sure entirely what that means yet. Will you please share your thoughts?
I know your question was for Master Ksenia.
Hope my answer will help you at some way.
You were shown that you can reach your progenitor through some Gods. That means you can do it through connetion with this Gods. Step by step learning about them, connect to them, you'll go deeper and get some knowleges about your progenitor God straight from this Norse Gods.
 To wake up 'dormat' God takes loads of energy and probably time. At the beginning you should find it and learn his/her name.
As soon as you learn the name of your God you can find the similar one with similar functions in the other pantheons ( if they exist) and get connetion to your Diety through the similar one.


Hello colleagues.

In the English translation of Levi that I am reading, The 4 commandments read as follows: to know, to dare, to WILL, to be silent.

But in Russian, master Ksenia uses the word "Желать" meaning "to wish"  and not "воля" meaning to will. But, every translation engine I've tried, gives  "to will" as a second translation of "Желать" - that would literally change the entire essence of the commandments. And it's fine, if it is correctly translated but if it is not correctly translated, then I'm in a pickle.

Please can master Ksenia, teachers and colleagues confirm what the translation is that Master Ksenia means for consideration?

Wish or volition?


Цитата: Lana Welsh от 08 марта 2023, 15:10:00When practicing interaction with the lower worlds, it is appropriate to use iron. In some rituals Iron is the thing you  "must have".

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your time and it makes more sense. I was also wondering whether to make a talisman out of iron if it were a talisman that needed to be worn all the time, but your explanation answers that. I will do more research too.

In the meantime I've carved a Mjolnir talisman from the wood of my tree totem as I want the protection but I don't want to cut myself off from anything with iron, from the higher and lower worlds. For now that's where my thinking is at.

Thanks again.

Lana Welsh

Цитата: JdlR от 10 марта 2023, 18:57:47I've carved a Mjolnir talisman from the wood of my tree totem as I want the protection but I don't want to cut myself off from anything with iron, from the higher and lower worlds. For now that's where my thinking is at.
It also seems to me that wood is a all purpose material that can allow you to explore other realms with no limits.


Цитата: JdlR от 10 марта 2023, 18:45:59Hello colleagues.

In the English translation of Levi that I am reading, The 4 commandments read as follows: to know, to dare, to WILL, to be silent.

But in Russian, master Ksenia uses the word "Желать" meaning "to wish"  and not "воля" meaning to will. But, every translation engine I've tried, gives  "to will" as a second translation of "Желать" - that would literally change the entire essence of the commandments. And it's fine, if it is correctly translated but if it is not correctly translated, then I'm in a pickle.

Please can master Ksenia, teachers and colleagues confirm what the translation is that Master Ksenia means for consideration?

Wish or volition?
Dear JdIR, this is correct. You noticed absolutely right the difference between Russian and English texts. "To wish" and "to will" imply two different ways of thinking, doing and existing. To wish to do something does not necessarily mean you have the will do it, however "to will" to do something includes this part of wishing it, gives you an emotional power for an action. This replacement was done by purpose to deprive ones will to act. So, the original statement is "to know, to dare, to will, to be silent" and later it was substituted by "to know, to dare, to wish, to be silent". One more thing is that "to will" in Russian is translated more like "уметь" meaning to have knowledge and experience, to be able to do something, rather than having a strong will to do it. It is also quite a difference in my opinion, maybe not...
The issue is discussed in–depth in Magic Theory course (ОТМ in Russian). You may find first few lessons on YouTube (in Russian language only, I suppose).


Цитата: Xeniache от 11 марта 2023, 20:17:15Dear JdIR, this is correct. You noticed absolutely right the difference between Russian and English texts. "To wish" and "to will" imply two different ways of thinking, doing and existing. To wish to do something does not necessarily mean you have the will do it, however "to will" to do something includes this part of wishing it, gives you an emotional power for an action. This replacement was done by purpose to deprive ones will to act. So, the original statement is "to know, to dare, to will, to be silent" and later it was substituted by "to know, to dare, to wish, to be silent". One more thing is that "to will" in Russian is translated more like "уметь" meaning to have knowledge and experience, to be able to do something, rather than having a strong will to do it. It is also quite a difference in my opinion, maybe not...
The issue is discussed in–depth in Magic Theory course (ОТМ in Russian). You may find first few lessons on YouTube (in Russian language only, I suppose).

Thank you for your reply.
I've worked through lesson 1 part 1 to 5.
According to my understanding "to will" is воль / воля and "to be able" is  Уметь.

The original form of the commandments, "know, dare, be able, be silent" I understand. But regarding the distorted commandments, I wish to gain clarity on the word "Желать". Is it wish? Or is volition / will.


Цитата: JdlR от 12 марта 2023, 14:29:01Thank you for your reply.
I've worked through lesson 1 part 1 to 5.
According to my understanding "to will" is воль / воля and "to be able" is  Уметь.

The original form of the commandments, "know, dare, be able, be silent" I understand. But regarding the distorted commandments, I wish to gain clarity on the word "Желать". Is it wish? Or is volition / will.
JdIR, good evening! "Желать" translates as "to wish". Lost in translation situation, as per latin original this phrase sounds like "Scire. Potere. Audere. Tacere", which is "to know, to will (in a way of power and energy), to dare, to be silent". So, each language has its own implication to the words of magus. Hope this clears your doubts a little bit.


Hello teachers and colleagues
Please will you share...
About the The god mind manifested as Odin in Scandinavian pantheon and Veles in the Slavic Pantheon... Where else is it manifested? What are the names?

Thank you.

Lana Welsh

Цитата: JdlR от 30 марта 2023, 19:57:40Where else is it manifested? What are the names?
Hi, JdlR,
You can explore gods from other pantheons based on similarities in their functions.
For example, Odin and Mercury in Roman Mythology.


Цитата: Lana Welsh от 01 апреля 2023, 10:12:04You can explore gods from other pantheons based on similarities in their functions.
For example, Odin and Mercury in Roman Mythology.

In this video Menshikova is telling that Mercury has similar functions with Loki (and Thoth in Egypt), who's also a trickster.


Dear Master Ksenia and colleagues

Regarding the Russian language as a cult, which force can a person connect with, to quicken a person's progress in the studying of the Russian language? Odin tasked me with learning Russian and
I've been studying for almost a year now but it feels like something is missing. Do I need magical permission? How do I go about it?

The only god I can find that is somewhat associated with language in the Slavic tradition, is god Veles, associated with poetry.

Could Veles help me in this regard? Or is there another Slavic god-mind or force that I can connect with for the above mentioned purpose?

Thank you for your time.


Цитата: JdlR от 06 мая 2023, 23:39:18Dear Master Ksenia and colleagues

Regarding the Russian language as a cult, which force can a person connect with, to quicken a person's progress in the studying of the Russian language? Odin tasked me with learning Russian and
I've been studying for almost a year now but it feels like something is missing. Do I need magical permission? How do I go about it?

The only god I can find that is somewhat associated with language in the Slavic tradition, is god Veles, associated with poetry.

Could Veles help me in this regard? Or is there another Slavic god-mind or force that I can connect with for the above mentioned purpose?

Thank you for your time.

Good morning, colleague JdlR. You can build bridges with the Gods. But you shouldn't rely on them. I wanted to remind you. But any God of the poetry and the word is yours.

Цитата: JdlR от 06 мая 2023, 23:39:18Dear Master Ksenia and colleagues

Regarding the Russian language as a cult, which force can a person connect with, to quicken a person's progress in the studying of the Russian language? Odin tasked me with learning Russian and
I've been studying for almost a year now but it feels like something is missing. Do I need magical permission? How do I go about it?

The only god I can find that is somewhat associated with language in the Slavic tradition, is god Veles, associated with poetry.

Could Veles help me in this regard? Or is there another Slavic god-mind or force that I can connect with for the above mentioned purpose?

Thank you for your time.

Good afternoon colleague, to optimize your time, I would advice to choose a method, for instance Duolingo. It had been very efficient for the beginning to me with other languages.Or educational content "Russian for children",or instruments, like flashcards. And begin with the grammar parallelly. From there, you will feel confident to explore Russian folklore, fairy-tales and songs for children. And after you are somewhere there. They say, a human uses 300 words. So a nice thing would be to create an objective, to learn one new word per day by heart. Good luck!
из медитации "Cила Рода",инъекция странности,разности


Цитата: от 19 мая 2023, 15:06:39Good afternoon colleague, to optimize your time, I would advice to choose a method, for instance Duolingo. It had been very efficient for the beginning to me with other languages.Or educational content "Russian for children",or instruments, like flashcards. And begin with the grammar parallelly. From there, you will feel confident to explore Russian folklore, fairy-tales and songs for children. And after you are somewhere there. They say, a human uses 300 words. So a nice thing would be to create an objective, to learn one new word per day by heart. Good luck!
Thank you for your reply.
I must say I've made progress over the last year (and every bit of progress counts) and I found a learning platform that I feel satisfied with. I guess it's just the sense of urgency that I must achieve native level fluency, for a reason that isn't entirely clear to me yet, that makes my feel that I need to do more. But I will keep working. I've also taken a geis regarding learning Russian.

Thanks for your time.


Если изучаете РЯ уже год, значит какие-то основы уже знаете - буквы, базовые слова, общее понимание смысла простой фразы и т.п.

Когда я была на таком уровне владения языка, я начала читать вслух(!) детскую литературу (то, что проходили в то время дети в школе). С одной стороны, расширялся словарный запас, с другой - было знакомство с местным  менталитетом. Также выбор литературы был обусловлен "правильностью" языка - в детской литературе был красивый литературный язык, без некультурностей и банальных грамматические ошибок.

А если "вообще", то коучи-полиглоты рекомендуют окружать себя языковой средой по всем каналам восприятия - слушать радио, смотреть тв, настроить интерфейс ПК в изучаемом языке, но лично мне этот совет не подошел: такая инвазия вызывала раздражение и терялась мотивация изучать язык. Остались только детские книги, потом, когда продвинулась в понимании, переехала в страну, начала общаться с носителями, как умела, и с учителем начала изучать грамматику. Вроде получилось.
*Все выше сказанное - не  совет, не  истина, а всего лишь рассуждения по теме.*
*кто не спрятался, - я не виновата! *

Volha Sta

Dear colleagues. I received several messages from one of the Facebook followers from India, asking for your advice. With her permission I will copy and paste them down below. Thank you.

"I have 3enemies i feel like but don't know who the actual one behind my back doing black magic.
My husband aunt don't like me before marriage she refused my husband not to marry me as I am not beautiful.

Another lady it was my husband uncle's sons wife who comes in my dream and she tries to take my place always and I saw my husband betraying me.
I am being swapped in her place twice this dream I saw .

Another was a maid working in this house before but I don't like her and left her out of job.

My husband didn't believe wat I say as I am spiritual he is not spiritual. Sometimes I see his eyes looking arround that I don't like in him and his eating habits of taking meat all time. I get angry very soon and there is a voice inside always telling me I am not beautiful so he doesn't love me only he is a responsible man.
I saw 2dreams of snake before 3yrs ago one dream was before my marriage I saw double headed rattle snake on my house roof trying to chase me.After that dream my life changed I lost my job few days after and got a lover he married me and that's the change.
And another snake dream  I saw when I was pregnant it was a black long snake mamba i think after that I have birth to a baby boy few months later my baby had an operation at 11months that was a very sorrowful moment for me.

Can I identify who the actual enemy is doing black magic behind me to harming.

I always have a dream of betrayal by my husband and seeing the lady beside my house the lady is his uncle's sons wife.I saw that lady in dream taking my place
I am swaped in her place.Is she doing any black magic behind me?Or who the enemy i don't know may be the maid whom I left her out of job from this house.because i don't like her".


Цитата: Volha Sta от 02 июня 2023, 04:38:51Dear colleagues. I received several messages from one of the Facebook followers from India, asking for your advice. With her permission I will copy and paste them down below. Thank you.

Good day, Volha Sta!
Reading the message you shared, my first thought was that lady is slightly exaggerating (or maybe just more details are needed). Dreams about snakes, just like dreams in general, have individual interpretation. I suppose, she is indian and snake symbolism in India is widely spread. It would be a good idea for her to dig into myths and stories and folklore tales to see what the snake symbol is about. Maybe, it's just alerting her that the change is coming soon (but, of course, most people fear changes)
Another dream about the other women replacing her, in my opinion, it's her own fears of loosing her husband. Also, a fruitful field for doing "homework" herself.
As I understood from everything that is being written, that in reality nothing bad happened, only her insecurities and assumptions are taking over her mind. The signs that someone is trying to curse or jynx her or do anything "black magic" related on her have to be seen in real life. Most often it will be sudden health issues, or partner's cheating, drinking and in most cases it all starts to happen out of the blue. There has to be something physically present. I did not see any of these happening from the story she told. Yes, she told about problems with her son, and as I understood he lives and everything is fine with him now? It could be a family issue, or her child's personal battle. If you decide to help her - more details are needed.


Dear Master Ksenia and mentors
This question refuses to leave me or reveal an understanding to me.
Please will you be so kind as to explain why the word "as" was chosen in the English translation of "я Есмь тот кто я Есмь", to "I am as I am"?

What is meant by or referred to with
"я Есмь тот кто я Есмь" and what is meant by or referred to with
"I am as I am"?

If my understanding of "тот кто" is correct, it will either mean
"the one which" or
"that which"
but not "as".

The above mentioned options, according to my understanding, means,
"I am that very thing that I am referring to" but
"as" meaning "I am the way I am" - referring to an acceptance of a characteristic or of a way of being - but not the being itself. Please help me see where I am misunderstanding. What meaning am I supposed to connect to during my attention-exercises?

Also, would it be correct or beneficial if English speaking students just use
"я Есмь тот кто я Есмь"?

Many thanks


Цитата: JdlR от 20 июля 2023, 18:42:34Please will you be so kind as to explain why the word "as" was chosen in the English translation of "я Есмь тот кто я Есмь", to "I am as I am"?

Dear JdlR,

Thank you for your question. Answering the last part of your question first -- 'What meaning to connect to during meditation?' The meaning of the formula –  you as your God, you as the continuation of your progenitor force. You and him are one. This is the meaning to connect to, not just in meditation but anytime you pronounce or think of the formula.

When we began translating the School's materials back in 2021, a lot of time and discussion went into how to translate the formula 'Я Есмь тот кто Я Есмь'. We ended up opting out for 'I am as I am'. Using 'as' is supposed to reaffirm the being that you already are (your God) and help align yourself with him. The difference of this version from other 'canonical' ones translated from Hebrew such as 'I am that I am' or 'I am what I am' is that the 'as' implies a process rather than a fixed state. Additionally, an alternative to the Russian phrase is 'Азъ есмь' [Ahz Esmi] which also translates into 'I am'.

You are free to use any of the three phrases above, or any other variation that would bring forth the axis of consciousness within you.



Цитата: English111 от 21 июля 2023, 23:42:32... is that the 'as' implies a process rather than a fixed state.

Thank you very much for taking the time to explain. The above quoted line grants the most clarity for me - thank you. I appreciate all the effort that went into, and continues to go into making the information available to English speaking students.



Dear Menshikova School forum members,

We invite all the English-speaking audience of the Menshikova School to join our School Talks - meetings in the form of discussions on specific topics. School Talks are led by a mentor of the Menshikova School who will answer  previously submitted questions as well as questions that are asked during the meeting.

During our October meetings you will have an opportunity to ask your questions related to the topic 'The Beginning of Education at the Menshikova School'. 

In order to participate in School Talks you must register in advance by sending an email to our coordinator -, indicating the dates you plan to attend. You can also submit your questions related to the topic: The beginning of education at the School to the same email address. You can ask additional questions directly during our School Talks.

October School Talks dates:

October 15th, 2023
October 22nd, 2023

School Talks begin at 15:00 Moscow time (UTC +3)

Mentor - Petr Alexandrovich.


We invite all the English-speaking audience of the Menshikova School to join our School Talks - meetings in the form of discussions on specific topics. School Talks are led by a mentor of the Menshikova School who will answer previously submitted questions as well as questions that are asked during the meeting.

During our October meetings, you will have an opportunity to ask your questions related to the topic 'the beginning of education at the Menshikova School'. 

In order to participate in School Talks you must register in advance by sending an email to our coordinator -, indicating the dates you plan to attend. You can also submit your questions related to the topic: 'The beginning of education at the School' to the same email address. You can ask additional questions directly during our School Talks.

October School Talks dates:

October 15th, 2023
October 22nd, 2023

School Talks begin at 15:00 (UTC +3)

Mentor - Petr Alexandrovich.